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Finding a fun concert with an artist or group you love is easy; convincing your parents to let you go is the difficult part. When you ask for permission, be prepared to compromise. Your chances of hearing a “yes” may increase if you agree to pay for part of the expenses or let your parents choose a chaperone.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Asking Your Parents

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  1. 1
    Find a time to talk. Before the tickets go on sale, you need to speak to your parents. Asking about the concert at the “right” time may increase your chances of hearing “yes.”
    • Talk to them when they are free. “Hi, Mom. Do you have a few minutes to talk?” “Hey, Dad. Are you free right now?”
    • Avoid asking them about the concert if them seem stressed, distracted, or busy.[1]
  2. 2
    Express your gratitude. Asking outright to attend a concert might result in an immediate “no” from your parents. You can soften your request with a few kind, appreciative words.
    • “Thank you for working so hard to provide for me.”
    • ”I really appreciate everything you do for me.”
    • I am grateful for all of the opportunities you’ve given me.”[2]
  3. 3
    Introduce the concert into your conversation. Once you’ve told them how much you appreciate them, it is time to mention the concert. Provide your parents with the basic information:
    • Who is performing?
    • Where is the concert
    • When is the concert
    • What time is the concert
    • How much will it cost
    • ”My favorite artist, ____, is performing in ____ on ____. The concert starts at ____ and ends at ____. Tickets cost ____.”
  4. 4
    Ask politely. The goal of this talk is to get permission from your parents. Instead of telling them you are going, ask them if you may go.
    • ”May I go to the concert, please?”
  5. 5
    Give your parents more information. Before your parents say “yes” or “no,” they may ask you questions about the concert. As you answer their questions, remain respectful and calm. Don’t get defensive.
    • Let them know if your friends are planning to attend.
    • Let them know if someone is chaperoning.
    • Tell them more about the artist/group and the music.
    • Explain how you plan to pay for the concert.
    • Let them know if there is a designated “parents room” at the venue.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Bargaining With Your Parents

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  1. 1
    Offer to help cover the expenses. Your parents may be reluctant or unable to pay for the concert. You can overcome this obstacle by:
    • Offering to pay for part or all of the cost
    • Offering to do work around the house in exchange for money towards the concert
    • Asking for a loan from your parents
    • Asking for the ticket for a holiday or your birthday present[3]
  2. 2
    Find a chaperone you can all agree on. Did you intend to go to the concert without a chaperone? The thought of you at a concert without an adult might make your parents uncomfortable. Rather than insisting you are old enough, mature enough, and responsible enough to go to a concert without an adult, present them with a few alternative solutions. Suitable options might include:
    • An older sibling or cousin
    • Your parents or a friend’s parents
    • A trusted babysitter or nanny
  3. 3
    Ask your parents to reconsider. At the end your conversation, your parents may say “no” to the concert. Rather than throwing a fit, remain calm, cool, and collected. Ask them to spend some time thinking about it. In a few days, ask if they’ve reached a decision.
    • While you wait for them to decide, remain on your best behavior.[4]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Taking the Initiative

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  1. 1
    Practice good behavior. Concerts are typically announced well in advance of tickets going on sale. This provides you with plenty of time to demonstrate to your parents that you are deserving and responsible enough to attend the concert. Before tickets go on sale:
    • Work to improve your grades
    • Fight less with your brothers and sisters
    • Do your chores
    • Help out extra around the house
    • Keep your room clean
    • Do your best not to break any of your parents’ rules[5]
  2. 2
    Consider how you will pay for the concert. Concerts are expensive events. In addition to purchasing a ticket, you may have to buy food, pay for transportation, and/or contribute to a hotel room. As a result, most teens can’t cover the cost on their own and require financial help from their parents. You can approach this hurdle in a variety of ways. After the concert is announced:
    • Start saving money
    • Find odd jobs around the house or neighborhood
    • Ask for less from your parents[6]
  3. 3
    Research the artist, concert, and venue. When you ask your parents if you may attend the concert, they’ll want specific details about the artist, concert, and venue. To prepare for their questions, answer the following questions:
    • Who/what group is performing?
    • What type of music does the artist/group perform? Is it appropriate for your age group?
    • Who listens to their music? Is it mainly people your age?
    • When is the concert?
    • Where is the concert? Is it close to your house? Do you need to pay for a hotel room?
    • What time does the concert start and end?
    • How expensive is the ticket?
    • Are your friends going? Will one of their parents serve as the chaperone?[7]
    • Do they sell alcohol at the venue?
    • Does the venue provide a free parents room?
    • Are you allowed to bring your cell phone?[8]
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    My friend bought a ticket for me for my birthday my mom said yes my dad said no what should I do to convince him? He's scared I'll get lost and never come back.
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Sit down with your dad and study the venue. Find a spot for you to wait for your friend in case you get separated.
  • Question
    What if I have already bought the tickets with my own money and the concert is this weekend? How do I ask them if I can go?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    First of all, you shouldn't have bought the tickets without permission from your parents. Don't tell them you already bought tickets. You could tell them a friend bought tickets and he/she wants to sell you one so you can go with them. If there is a responsible adult going, make sure to tell your parents that part, and tell them you'll come straight home after the concert.
  • Question
    What if my parents think it is too dangerous?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Ask them to contact the venue and discuss their concerns.
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  • Buy all the tickets with your group at once, so that your seats are together or if it's general admission, agree to stick together once you've arrived at the venue.
  • Pre-arrange drivers before the concert.
  • Check the lyrics of the song, and look for swear words. It may be a spoiler, but it’s worth it for age-appropriateness.
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Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about dealing with your parents, check out our in-depth interview with Nora Oliver.

About This Article

Nora Oliver
Co-authored by:
Certified Life Coach & Motivational Speaker
This article was co-authored by Nora Oliver. Nora Oliver is a Certified Life Coach & Motivational Speaker based in Boston, Massachusetts. In 2021 Nora started her own coaching business, 10X Nora Oliver, where she offers corporate wellness, divorce, pre-marital, and individual coaching programs, specializing in helping others discover who they are and how they want to live their lives. She is certified in Life Coaching, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Health and Wellness, Nutrition, and Mindset and Forgiveness. Nora is the author of I Needed a Hero so I Became One and Mental Health Nutrition. Nora has her own local TV show which focuses on offering guidance & support to her audience on mental health. Nora was selected as Business of the Month by the Woburn Chamber of Commerce and Best Life Coach of the Year 2022. Nora has been featured in multiple media outlets such as Small Business Congress in Washington D.C., Channel 5 (WCVB), Daily Times Chronicle, Entrepreneur Modul, Fashion Show Host, Behind Bodybuilders, Disrupt Magazine, etc. This article has been viewed 174,215 times.
1 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 29
Updated: September 5, 2023
Views: 174,215
Categories: Concerts
Article SummaryX

Concerts can be super fun, but you may need to ask your parents before you go. Before you bring it up, do your research to figure out how much tickets costs, how you’ll pay for the concert, and what kind of venue it is. The more details you're able to provide, the more likely they'll be to say yes. Once you’ve done your research, bring up the concert when your parents are free to talk. You might say something like, “Mom, my favorite artist is performing this Friday. Is it okay if I go?” If they have doubts, try to stay calm and find compromises. For instance, if they’re worried about you being out alone, say you’ll let them come along to chaperone. Or, if they’re worried it’s too expensive, explain how you plan to pay for the ticket yourself. To learn how to express your gratitude to your parents, read on!

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  • Anonymous


    Feb 24, 2017

    "Thanks so much for this article. I really want to go to Hamilton and, yeah, this helped me a lot. Thanks."
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