November 18, 2009 - Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach Wed, 18 Nov 2009 20:56:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 November 18, 2009 - Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach 32 32 The Season of Getting, er, Giving Wed, 18 Nov 2009 20:56:44 +0000 Well, it’s starting: The season of getting—I mean, giving.I think it’s hard to help our kids focus on giving when they’re bombarded by commercials, window displays, newspaper inserts, catalogs and radio spots whose sole purpose is to awaken a desire to get.It’s hard for us as adults to focus on giving, too, because we’re bombarded […]

The post The Season of Getting, er, Giving appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.

Well, it’s starting: The season of getting—I mean, giving.I think it’s hard to help our kids focus on giving when they’re bombarded by commercials, window displays, newspaper inserts, catalogs and radio spots whose sole purpose is to awaken a desire to get.It’s hard for us as adults to focus on giving, too, because we’re bombarded with all those same enticing messages to acquire.But one way I believe we all can attempt to counteract these messages is to practice, inspire, and provide opportunities for giving. Whether the giving is giving thanks, giving resources, or giving intangible gifts that have a deep and lasting impact on the recipients, we can steer our kids away from the acquisition mindset and toward a sacrificial, others-centered attitude that lines up with our faith.I wrote about this at High Calling Blogs (HCB) today. Before you pop over there, you should know that every other Wednesday, when it’s my turn to post, I try to link out as much as possible to High Calling Blogs members, to build a sense of community and highlight posts that may be of interest to HCB readers.This particular post is packed with links. If you have time, click around and meet some new bloggers!Read more at the High Calling Blogs website. Christian Blog Network

“Nestled Apple” photo by Ann Kroeker (2009).

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The post The Season of Getting, er, Giving appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.

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