October 29, 2009 - Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach https://annkroeker.com/2009/10/29/ Fri, 30 Oct 2009 01:20:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://annkroeker.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/cropped-45796F09-46F4-43E5-969F-D43D17A85C2B-32x32.png October 29, 2009 - Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach https://annkroeker.com/2009/10/29/ 32 32 Food on Fridays: Crazy-Flu-Lady Potato Soup https://annkroeker.com/2009/10/29/food-on-fridays-crazy-flu-lady-potato-soup/ https://annkroeker.com/2009/10/29/food-on-fridays-crazy-flu-lady-potato-soup/#comments Fri, 30 Oct 2009 01:20:58 +0000 http://annkroeker.wordpress.com/?p=5142 (alternative button below) Here at the Food on Fridays carnival, any post remotely related to food is welcome. Recipes are enjoyed, but you can simply tell us your favorite post-flu nourishment. You could share with readers the comfort food you crave when you’ve been under-the-weather or out-and-out ill.In other words, the Food on Fridays parameters are not at […]

The post Food on Fridays: Crazy-Flu-Lady Potato Soup appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.


(alternative button below)

Here at the Food on Fridays carnival, any post remotely related to food is welcome. Recipes are enjoyed, but you can simply tell us your favorite post-flu nourishment. You could share with readers the comfort food you crave when you’ve been under-the-weather or out-and-out ill.In other words, the Food on Fridays parameters are not at all narrow. I think of it as a virtual pitch-in where everyone brings something to share; even if the content of one item is unrelated to the rest, we sample it all anyway and have a great time.When your Food on Fridays contribution is ready, just grab the broccoli button (the big one above or the new smaller option at the bottom) to paste at the top of your post and join us through Mr. Linky.Here’s a Mr. Linky tutorial:

Write up a post, publish, then return here and click on Mr. Linky below. A screen will pop up where you can type in your blog name and paste in the url to your own Food on Fridays post (give us the exact link to your Food on Fridays page, not just the link to your blog).You can also visit other people’s posts by clicking on Mr. Linky and then clicking participants’ names–you should be taken straight to their posts.Please note: I return when possible during the day and update this post by hand to include a list of the links provided via Mr. Linky. If I can’t get to the computer to do so, you may access them all by clicking on the Mister Linky logo.

Food on Fridays Participants

1. Mother Hen (Sally Mae Bakes!)2. Pamm @ Leftovers On Purpose (Make Ahead Squash)3. Newlyweds (Pumpkin Macarons)4. Twirland Taste- CREAM PUFFS5. Prudent & Practical (5 Min. Chocolate Cake)6. Butter Yum – Italian Chicken Noodle Soup7. Kristen (rosemary chicken)8. e- Mom (Pumpkin Spice Lattes) 9. Stretch Mark Mama (Crispy Baked Chicken — super easy)10. Meal Planning with Connie( Breakfast Casserole & Baked Pineapple Squares)11. Sorry, HERE: Meal Plan with Connie (Delicious Breakfast Casserole/ Giveaway)12. Tara @ Feels like home (orange cake w/ Halloween twist)13. Kari @ Eating Simply – Homemade Plum Sauce14. Sara (maple glazed pork tenderloin)15. Chaya – golden soup16. Chaya – scalloped potatoes 17. Heather @ Just Doing My Best (Ladybug Apples)18. angie @ annies home = halloween recipes19. Kristine – Halloween Spider Snacks20. Faith, Food and Family (Apple Butterscotch Bread)21. Geri@ heartnsoulcooking (butter pecan ice box cookies)22. Hoosier Homemade( Halloween Treats)23. Sharinskishe (Garden Cantaloupe)24. Marcia@ Frugalhomekeeping( Bon Apetit’s Too Busy to Cook?)25. You’re next!

Food on Fridays with Ann

I’ve had the flu. At first, I didn’t want much to eat at all. Then I had a piece of toast. Then I wanted grapefruit. Then I wanted soup. Chicken noodle soup. So I made some when I was able to get out of bed.

Today I’ve been getting better, but still want something warm to eat. I decided some kind of potato soup or chowder would be the ticket.

So with no solid plan or recipe, I started pulling out stuff that sounded like it would taste good together. All I knew for sure was that potatoes would be involved.

I’m calling this:

Crazy-Flu-Lady Potato Soup

I peeled and cubed some potatoes, then decided to add some sweet potatoes, too, for extra flavor and color.

potato cubes cook

Tossed in a chicken bouillon cube.

Fried some bacon in a skillet. I took a photo, but it’s out of focus and bacon is really kind of gross to look at up close, so I leave that to your imagination.

Realized that some onion would probably be good, but I can’t eat very much onion or my stomach gets upset. So I minced a teeny, tiny bit of onion, fried it in the hot bacon grease, fished it out and tossed it into the soup pan.

When the potatoes were soft, I pulled some out and mashed them in another bowl with a potato masher gadget.

Then I put the mashed potatoes back in to thicken the soup. No need for cornstarch or flour to thicken when I do it this way.

Added some fat-free half-and-half I had in the fridge, randomly pouring some in until it looked good.

Tossed in some frozen corn I found in the freezer.

Added the crumbled bacon.

Salt. Pepper. More salt. More pepper.

That’ll do.

bowl of soup

When I’ve been sick—especially if my throat has been sore—I crave warm soup. And I’ll get some idea to toss a bunch of stuff together without a real plan and eat two bowls of whatever comes out at the end of 20 minutes or so.

That’s what crazy-flu-lady is doing, now that she’s out of bed.

But this isn’t just crazy-flu food. You could easily serve this and a couple more soups along with some good bread and a salad for a dinner with friends.

Invite some people over for the evening, as I recommend over at NotSoFastBook.com, and enjoy some conversation along with your soup.

And maybe even some community.


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The post Food on Fridays: Crazy-Flu-Lady Potato Soup appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.

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