September 9, 2009 - Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach Wed, 09 Sep 2009 19:55:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 September 9, 2009 - Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach 32 32 Where in the World Wide Web is Ann Kroeker on 9-9-09? Wed, 09 Sep 2009 19:55:25 +0000 If you have a few moments, I invite you to visit three places where I have had the honor of appearing:1. Queen of the Castle (photo credit: Queen of the Castle Recipes) At Queen of the Castle Recipes, Lynn has graciously allowed me to share a few thoughts on food and slowing down. I included […]

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whereinwwwIf you have a few moments, I invite you to visit three places where I have had the honor of appearing:1. Queen of the Castle

(photo credit: Queen of the Castle Recipes)

At Queen of the Castle Recipes, Lynn has graciously allowed me to share a few thoughts on food and slowing down. I included two European recipes, because from my visits to Belgium and France, I get the idea that they know how to slow down. About Belgium, I wrote:

[E]veryone in the country knows how to stop mid-morning and enjoy a leisurely coffee break. In fact, this might come as a shock, but vehicles in Belgium don’t come with standard cupholders … maybe Belgians would rather wait until they can sit down at home or a café and truly enjoy sipping it while nibbling a Speculoo cookie. I suppose we could argue that the caffeine from all that coffee negates their slow-down tendencies, but in general, Belgians seem to know how to hit the pause button.

2. High Calling Blogs

kroeker's path

(photo credit: me)

If you’ve never been to, you’re in for a treat. Not because of what I’ve written, though I did just publish an article for their “family” category, but because the bloggers in this online community are posting wonderful material covering a wide range of topics, including work, faith, and culture, as well as family. There are featured blogs and then you could spend weeks visiting those in the broader network.3. The Harvest ShowAt 9:00 a.m. today (9:00 on 9-9-09), I was interviewed live on “The Harvest Show.” You can watch online HERE (select the Wednesday, September 9 show).

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The post Where in the World Wide Web is Ann Kroeker on 9-9-09? appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.

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