Make-Do Mondays Archives - Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach Mon, 31 Aug 2009 16:09:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Make-Do Mondays Archives - Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach 32 32 Make-Do Mondays: Make-Do Birthdays Mon, 31 Aug 2009 16:09:12 +0000 see below for alternative button At Make-Do Mondays, we discuss how we’re simplifying, downsizing, repurposing, buying used, and using what we’ve got.It’s a carnival celebrating creative problem-solving, contentment, patience and ingenuity. To participate, share your own make-do solution in the comments or write up a Make-Do Mondays post at your blog, then return here to link via Mr. […]

The post Make-Do Mondays: Make-Do Birthdays appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.


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At Make-Do Mondays, we discuss how we’re simplifying, downsizing, repurposing, buying used, and using what we’ve got.It’s a carnival celebrating creative problem-solving, contentment, patience and ingenuity. To participate, share your own make-do solution in the comments or write up a Make-Do Mondays post at your blog, then return here to link via Mr. Linky. Enjoy others’ ideas by clicking on Mr. Linky and then clicking on people’s names.Here’s a mini-tutorial on Mr. Linky:

Click on the icon and a separate page will pop up. Type in your blog name and paste in the url of your new Make-Do Mondays post. Click enter and it should be live. If it doesn’t work, just include the link in the comments.

To visit people’s posts or check that yours worked, click on Mr. Linky and when the page comes up, click on a name. You should be taken right to the page provided.

Make-Do Mondays with Ann

Birthdays are almost always make-do events for us.

As you may recall from Food on Fridays, my son wanted to offer several different desserts for his birthday party in lieu of cake.

So I made a humble pumpkin pie, which became the pie of honor.


The crust wasn’t very artistic, but it tasted fine.

I made a coffee cake, which we renamed “crumble cake.” This was for marketing purposes, because some family members wouldn’t touch a dessert if a speck of coffee could be found in it. But I started preparing it a little too late in the morning. I mixed and assembled it, but didn’t have time to bake it before we had to leave.

The cake was transported to my parent’s house in batter form inside a cooler. I baked it upon arrival, but the crumble topping had already sunk into the cake. The surface looked something like an anthill.


I’ve never made a berry pie before. I watched my sister-in-law make a berry tart one time, so instead of making a pie, I used this tart recipe and made one for the first time ever.


Again, it wasn’t spectacular, but it was okay.

I did my best to create per the requests of my little boy, and he was pleased.

In fact, he ate two pieces of pie.

As we were in the car driving to my parents’ house, I started to worry I’d forgotten something that he’d requested.

I reviewed our plans. “We have the pies and crumble cake, we have the gifts, we have swimsuits for swimming,” I said. “Are we forgetting anything for your birthday? Anything you had in mind?”

He paused for a moment, then replied, “We’re forgetting how great it is that Grandma and Grandpa are hosting this today! We’re forgetting the love!

For all those who make-do on birthdays or any day, please … don’t forget the love.

How do you make do?

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Make-Do Mondays: Spontaneity and Flexibility at the State Fair Mon, 17 Aug 2009 04:09:34 +0000 see below for alternative button At Make-Do Mondays, we discuss how we’re simplifying, downsizing, repurposing, buying used, and using what we’ve got.It’s a carnival celebrating creative problem-solving, contentment, patience and ingenuity. To participate, share your own make-do solution in the comments or write up a Make-Do Mondays post at your blog, then return here to link via Mr. […]

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At Make-Do Mondays, we discuss how we’re simplifying, downsizing, repurposing, buying used, and using what we’ve got.It’s a carnival celebrating creative problem-solving, contentment, patience and ingenuity. To participate, share your own make-do solution in the comments or write up a Make-Do Mondays post at your blog, then return here to link via Mr. Linky. Enjoy others’ ideas by clicking on Mr. Linky and then clicking on people’s names.Here’s a mini-tutorial on Mr. Linky:

Click on the icon and a separate page will pop up. Type in your blog name and paste in the url of your new Make-Do Mondays post. Click enter and it should be live. If it doesn’t work, just include the link in the comments.

To visit people’s posts or check that yours worked, click on Mr. Linky and when the page comes up, click on a name. You should be taken right to the page provided.

Make-Do Mondays Participants

  1. Homesteaders’ Heart (Make-Do Yarn Holder)
  2. Leila at Like Mother, Like Daughter (Make-Do Baby Blanket)

Make-Do Mondays with AnnLast week I wrote on about flexibility and spontaneity in our schedules.Maybe I’m stretching my concept of making-do, but I think spontaneity and flexibility free us to make the most of opportunities that arise. I hope that fits into Make-Do Mondays conceptually, because that’s what I’ve written about.We decided to head to the Indiana State Fair this weekend. Already that was a spontaneous decision.Upon arrival, we formulated a rough plan of what we wanted to see, do and eat.While there, however, we learned that the Department of Natural Resources offered free fishing lessons, which three of the kids were eager to try. Fishing lessons were not part of the original plan, but they turned out to be unexpectedly delightful–one of the highlights of the day because the man-made pond was well stocked with voracious fish and each kid caught three in a row.fishThen we ran into some friends–one was recording artist Carmen D’Arcy.carmensignWe met the real Carmen, but I thought I’d let you see her big banner.As it turns out, Carmen was scheduled to play at a nearby pavilion about an hour later, so we stayed flexible and watched them perform.carmenrealHere’s Carmen warming up.carmenatkeyboardHere’s Carmen performing.After the concert, I chatted with Carmen’s husband, Bill, who is the voice of Indiana Youth Institute’s informative “Kids Count … on You!” radio spots. We talked about kids using (or not using) cell phones, Facebook, texting and “sexting.” I’ve never been good at small talk.After the concert, we enjoyed several fair foods, which I shall do my best to chronicle on Friday for Food on Fridays.Then we found ourselves at a good spot to enjoy a parade with several floats, bagpipers, a calliope, a clown band, and a long line of vintage tractors.tractorparadeAt the end of the evening, we were heading to the parking lot and realized the evening music was about to begin: Heart was opening for Journey, so the Belgian Wonder let the kids climb on top of the minivan to listen and watch. The parking lot offered a partial view of the stage, but the lights could be seen turning and changing for the show.We wouldn’t have bought tickets to see Journey, but thanks to some flexibility and spontaneity, the kids enjoyed a fun make-do concert.How do you make-do?

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Visit to learn more about Ann’s new book.

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Make-Do Mondays: Slow Setting for a Slow-Down Book Mon, 27 Jul 2009 04:03:11 +0000 see below for alternative button At Make-Do Mondays, we discuss how we’re simplifying, downsizing, repurposing, buying used, and using what we’ve got.It’s a carnival celebrating creative problem-solving, contentment, patience and ingenuity. To participate, share your own make-do solution in the comments or write up a Make-Do Mondays post at your blog, then return here to link via Mr. […]

The post Make-Do Mondays: Slow Setting for a Slow-Down Book appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.


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At Make-Do Mondays, we discuss how we’re simplifying, downsizing, repurposing, buying used, and using what we’ve got.It’s a carnival celebrating creative problem-solving, contentment, patience and ingenuity. To participate, share your own make-do solution in the comments or write up a Make-Do Mondays post at your blog, then return here to link via Mr. Linky. Enjoy others’ ideas by clicking on Mr. Linky and then clicking on people’s names.Here’s a mini-tutorial on Mr. Linky:

Click on the icon and a separate page will pop up. Type in your blog name and paste in the url of your new Make-Do Mondays post. Click enter and it should be live. If it doesn’t work, just include the link in the comments.

To visit people’s posts or check that yours worked, click on Mr. Linky and when the page comes up, click on a name. You should be taken right to the page provided.

Make-Do Mondays Participants

  1. Gravity of Motion (My Time)
  2. My Practically Perfect Life (Impromptu Cake Plans)
  3. Sunnydaytodaymama (More toy storage in a small space)
  4. Feels Like Home (kid sushi)
  5. Rancho Ruperto (Squash Plea)

Make-Do Mondays with Ann

This is a big week. Saturday marks the official release date of my book, Not So Fast: Slow-Down Solutions for Frenzied Families.

August 1, 2009.

It’s a date I’ve looked forward to for two years.

So where will I be on this momentous occasion?

Finishing up family camp.

We’re at a simple, low-tech, minimally programmed (no speakers, no big events, no concerts) family camp that is the epitome of relaxation. We are in the slowest of slow zones here.

This includes Internet access. Slow, slow, slow.

What the camp provides are things like canoes, kayaks, and small sailboats. We can hike through the woods. We can sit on Adirondack chairs in front of the lodge and stare at Lake Huron. We can read, pray, write, think, reflect, chat, or play cards or Scrabble. There’s a beach for sand castles and a game room with ping-pong, carpet ball, Foosball and pool.

The kitchen staff makes our meals. I’m turning into Pavlov’s dog: when the bell rings, I start to salivate and walk briskly to the dining hall.

This is a place where families know how to slow down. They are, in fact, encouraged to slow down in a space and environment where unplugging and slowing down is possible.

And this is where I am for the release of my book.

With the beauty of technology, slow as it is, I can be with you, too, wherever you are on the world.

And I want to say thanks for sharing this journey with me.

Thank you for listening, reading, thinking, and wondering with me, as I ponder, research, pose questions, seek solutions and commit to my own slower lifestyle.

Today I want to share with you several endorsements for the book. What an honor to have positive words from Lee Strobel, Steve and Misty Arterburn (Misty wrote the foreword, too!), and Mary DeMuth:


Jill Savage, Phyllis Tickle, Mary Farrar, Holly Miller, Susan Alexander Yates


And Michelle Cox.


Also, I’m delighted to organize a giveaway:  you could be the winner of two copies of Not So Fast. I’ll explain how I’ll be giving them away later this week.

Keep an eye open to join the fun!

As I make-do with incredibly slow Internet access, I wonder…

How do you make do?

Don’t miss a word:It’s easy to subscribe to updates via email or RSS feed.

Mega Memory Month July 2009 is almost over:Check in tomorrow for Progress Reports.


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Make-Do Mondays: Campsite Creativity Mon, 15 Jun 2009 02:37:02 +0000 see below for alternative button At Make-Do Mondays, we discuss how we’re simplifying, downsizing, repurposing, buying used, and using what we’ve got.It’s a carnival celebrating creative problem-solving, contentment, patience and ingenuity. To participate, share your own make-do solution in the comments or write up a Make-Do Mondays post at your blog, then return here to link via Mr. […]

The post Make-Do Mondays: Campsite Creativity appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.


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At Make-Do Mondays, we discuss how we’re simplifying, downsizing, repurposing, buying used, and using what we’ve got.It’s a carnival celebrating creative problem-solving, contentment, patience and ingenuity. To participate, share your own make-do solution in the comments or write up a Make-Do Mondays post at your blog, then return here to link via Mr. Linky. Enjoy others’ ideas by clicking on Mr. Linky and then clicking on people’s names.Here’s a mini-tutorial on Mr. Linky:

Click on the icon and a separate page will pop up. Type in your blog name and paste in the url of your new Make-Do Mondays post. Click enter and it should be live. If it doesn’t work, just include the link in the comments.

To visit people’s posts or check that yours worked, click on Mr. Linky and when the page comes up, click on a name. You should be taken right to the page provided.

 Make-Do Mondays Participants

  1. Feels Like Home (homemade ice cream)
  2. Sunnydaytodaymama (caterpillar cake)
  3. Coupons, Deals and More (Cool Whip)
  4. My Practically Perfect Life (Camping Food)
  5. Like Mother, Like Daughter (Decorating Hack)
  6. Mama Long (Ceiling Fan)

Make-Do Mondays with AnnCamping turns a vacation into one big make-do extravaganza. You already read about the Belgian Wonder’s portable coffee gadget, so he can drink make-do coffee. But there’s always something we have to rig up to meet a need using whatever we have on hand. An obvious make-do activity is stringing clothesline all around like a drunken spider building a wobbly web. You can check out our initial clothes-web in the first photo below:clotheslinemakedowebLater in the week, after a thunderstorm blew through and dampened many items, we greatly expanded the web, weaving and wrapping the extra length of rope around tree trunks and limbs. We also used many plastic grocery bags for trash (shame on us for having so many—but we were trying to recycle).And when my sister-in-law saw the printer box, she suggested I snap a photo for Make-Do Mondays.makedoboxcampwritingContrary to how things may appear, we did not bring along our printer.The Belgian Wonder grabbed it to store some pots, pans, and our electric skillet (I know what you’re thinking! Is it really camping if I have an electric skillet? You decide…). Storing them in the box, each stuck inside of a paper grocery bag, kept them from banging and clanging against each other and other items stuffed in the camper on the bumpy ride.We saved the big Cheerios box in case we needed it for storage, too, but ended up burning it in the fire pit (make-do kindling).Our dishwashing system was all about making-do. Two tubs, dish soap, a sponge, and a scrubbing gadget. The dishwasher squatted down by the faucet and worked while voracious mosquitoes buzzed around ears, arms and legs.Camping is a great way to practice making-do for Americans used to the comforts of hot water on demand, comfy mattresses, well-lit bathrooms with reliable showers, ovens and air conditioning. We don’t rough it like wilderness campers hiking in with everything on their backs and pitching camp in the mountains, but every time we camp we come back appreciating simple pleasures, like kitchen cabinets, hot water on demand, washing machines and sturdy shelter.How do you make do?

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Make-Do Mondays: Memorial Day Story (WWI) Mon, 25 May 2009 16:11:15 +0000 see below for alternative button At Make-Do Mondays, we discuss how we’re simplifying, downsizing, repurposing, buying used, and using what we’ve got.It’s a carnival celebrating creative problem-solving, contentment, patience and ingenuity.Mr. Linky isn’t working.To participate, write up a Make-Do Mondays post at your blog, then return here to include the link in the comments. I’ll try to pop […]

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At Make-Do Mondays, we discuss how we’re simplifying, downsizing, repurposing, buying used, and using what we’ve got.It’s a carnival celebrating creative problem-solving, contentment, patience and ingenuity.Mr. Linky isn’t working.To participate, write up a Make-Do Mondays post at your blog, then return here to include the link in the comments. I’ll try to pop back in and update the post by hand with your links.Make-Do Mondays Participants

  1. Sunnydaytodaymama (Stick Puppets)
  2. My Practically Perfect Life (Bathroom Towel Hanging Solutions)

Make-Do Mondays with AnnThis post is a bit of a departure from the practical suggestions that usually mark my Mondays.I hope that in a small way, sharing this family story will serve as a kind of decoration on Memorial Day by remembering publically a family member who served in WWI.This is not a story of great valor or sacrifice—in fact, it’s rather lighthearted, and I hope that it doesn’t in any way diminish the solemnity of Memorial Day, which is set apart to commemorate those who have given their lives in service to our country.Perhaps today part of showing our respect, admiration and gratitude can include the sharing of war stories of all kinds, even those that make us smile.On our brief trip to Washington, D.C., we ran over to the World War I memorial to gain shelter from a downpour during our rainy tour of the monuments. While huddled under the small structure, I asked the kids, “You know that both of your great-grandfathers on my side of the family were in World War I, don’t you?””Really?””Really! And there’s a pretty good family story about your grandma’s dad. He passed away when I was little, so I never knew him. But I’ve heard the story many times.”This is the story:My grandfather joined the Army in 1917 and was overseas with the Motor Transport Corps in France doing a lot of convoy work.One assignment was to transport to Paris some high-powered Cadillac and Buick cars for General Pershing’s staff, and my grandfather was in charge of assigning the drivers.  He decided it would be nice to see Paris, so he assigned himself to drive one of the cars—one version of the story has Grandpa driving Pershing’s personal vehicle.Well, the convoy was flying down the road at top speed, and Grandpa had never driven a fast car like that. He had trouble keeping up.Speeding down a hill, he suddenly saw that the entire convoy had stopped for some trucks to pass.”I knew I couldn’t stop in time and had just about decided to ram the rear truck,” Grandpa explained one time (adding that he probably would never get out of the guardhouse for wrecking Pershing’s car), “when I spotted a possible way out. Just before I crashed into the convoy, I veered to the side, careened along the convoy and ran upon a pile of cinders that had been left by the roadside for winter emergencies.”The soft landing left the Cadillac undamaged, wheels spinning as it perched atop the heap.When Grandpa got out, the convoy leader ran up, shook his hand and said, “That was one swell piece of driving!”Grandpa was too weak to answer, but said he was thinking, “You mean that was one swell piece of luck!”WWIGrandpaBehold the man who very nearly crashed General Pershing’s car. (I apologize for the low quality. It’s scanned from a newsprint copy of the original, which was taken in France.)Thank you to all who have served or are serving in our armed forces. Share your stories with someone today.

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Make-Do Mondays: Running Spikes Take on New Meaning Mon, 18 May 2009 03:04:09 +0000 see below for alternative button This Week’s Make-Do Mondays Quote There are two ways to get enough:one is to accumulate more and more.The other is to desire less.–G.K. ChestertonAt Make-Do Mondays, we discuss how we’re simplifying, downsizing, repurposing, buying used, and using what we’ve got.It’s a carnival celebrating creative problem-solving, contentment, patience and ingenuity. To participate, share […]

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This Week’s Make-Do Mondays Quote

There are two ways to get enough:one is to accumulate more and more.The other is to desire less.–G.K. ChestertonAt Make-Do Mondays, we discuss how we’re simplifying, downsizing, repurposing, buying used, and using what we’ve got.It’s a carnival celebrating creative problem-solving, contentment, patience and ingenuity. To participate, share your own make-do solution in the comments or write up a Make-Do Mondays post at your blog, then return here to link via Mr. Linky. Enjoy others’ ideas by clicking on Mr. Linky and then clicking on people’s names.Here’s a mini-tutorial on Mr. Linky:

Click on the icon and a separate page will pop up. Type in your blog name and paste in the url of your new Make-Do Mondays post. Click enter and it should be live. If it doesn’t work, just include the link in the comments.

To visit people’s posts or check that yours worked, click on Mr. Linky and when the page comes up, click on a name. You should be taken right to the page provided.


Make-Do Mondays Participants

  1. Gravity of Motion (We’ll Play Come Hail or High Water)
  2. Sunnydaytodaymama (Recycled Notebooks)
  3. My Practically Perfect Life (Onion Ring Sauce Helper)
  4. Small Town, Simple Home (Bibs)
  5. Coupons, Deals, and More (Stockpile Recipe)

Make-Do Mondays with AnnBack in high school, I was on the track team. My coach suggested I jog with light hand weights to gain arm strength simultaneous to the lower body work of running. Being a lifelong “make-doer,” I didn’t run out and buy the ready-made “heavy hands” that were available in stores. Instead, I rummaged through the odds and ends clunking around in the garage and found several railroad spikes we’d collected from the nearby abandoned tracks.I wrapped them with black electricians’ tape for a smooth grip.Decades Just a few short years later, I still use them.spikesI wrapped two individual spikes for the lightest option.singlespikeThey fit nicely in my hands and can be used as weapons, if necessary.doublespikesI also created a heavier option by wrapping two together.My running spikes complement my pathetic but functional humble make-do home gym.How do you make do?

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Make-Do Mondays: Make-Do Style Mon, 27 Apr 2009 04:35:50 +0000 see below for alternative button At Make-Do Mondays, we discuss how we’re simplifying, downsizing, repurposing, buying used, and using what we’ve got.It’s a carnival you can visit to celebrate creative problem-solving, contentment, patience and ingenuity. If you want to participate, you can share your own make-do solution in the comments or write up a Make-Do Mondays post […]

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At Make-Do Mondays, we discuss how we’re simplifying, downsizing, repurposing, buying used, and using what we’ve got.It’s a carnival you can visit to celebrate creative problem-solving, contentment, patience and ingenuity. If you want to participate, you can share your own make-do solution in the comments or write up a Make-Do Mondays post at your blog, then return here to link via Mr. Linky.Here’s a mini-tutorial on Mr. Linky:

Click on the icon and a separate page will pop up. Type in your blog name and paste in the url of your new Make-Do Mondays post. Click enter and it should be live. If it doesn’t work, just include the link in the comments.To visit people’s posts, click on Mr. Linky and when the page comes up, click on a name. You should be taken right to the page that they provided. If I have time, I come back and update the post by hand. 

  Make-Do Mondays Participants

  1. Sunnydaytodaymama (Dandelions)
  2. Trish Southard (Traveling Pants)
  3. The Goat (Sesame Oil)

Make-Do Mondays with AnnA friend of mine was helping me with some style concerns. I needed to look conservative for a business event, and she thought a cream suit with a simple white shell would be a good look for me.Trouble was, I didn’t own a cream suit. Or a white shell.At her recommendation, I looked through TJMaxx, Stein Mart and similar discount stores.No cream suit.No shell.The event was looming. A little concerned, I contacted my friend and asked, “What should I do?”She said she still thought that the cream suit would look best, especially this time of year. She said that a lot of the female newscasters were wearing cream suits and looked classic. But, since I didn’t have one, she was going to send me off with my black suit and a simple, light-colored tailored blouse or cream shell, to soften the look a little bit.”But,” she suggested, “maybe you could swing by Goodwill and check if they have a cream suit, just in case.”So I did swing by Goodwill, just in case.I looked through the blazers and found a lovely, almost stone-colored, cream Ann Taylor blazer. My size.But it was just the blazer. No pants.Wouldn’t it be cool if the pants had simply gotten separated? I took the blazer over and held it up to the slacks, walking slowly along the racks.What’s this?Gasp!I found the matching pants!And…Gasp!I found a white shell!creamsuitSo I attended the event in a simple cream suit after all, making-do in style. 

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Make-Do Mondays Mon, 06 Apr 2009 03:54:34 +0000   see below for alternative button At Make-Do Mondays, we discuss how we’re simplifying, downsizing, repurposing, buying used, and using what we’ve got.It’s a carnival you can visit to celebrate creative problem-solving, contentment, patience and ingenuity. If you want to participate, you can share your own make-do solution in the comments or write up a Make-Do Mondays […]

The post Make-Do Mondays appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.


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At Make-Do Mondays, we discuss how we’re simplifying, downsizing, repurposing, buying used, and using what we’ve got.It’s a carnival you can visit to celebrate creative problem-solving, contentment, patience and ingenuity. If you want to participate, you can share your own make-do solution in the comments or write up a Make-Do Mondays post at your blog, then return here to link via Mr. Linky.Here’s a mini-tutorial on Mr. Linky:

Click on the icon and a separate page will pop up. Type in your blog name and paste in the url of your new Make-Do Mondays post. Click enter and it should be live. If it doesn’t work, just include the link in the comments.To visit people’s posts, click on Mr. Linky and when the page comes up, click on a name. You should be taken right to the page that they provided. If I have time, I come back and update the post by hand.

  Make-Do Mondays Participants

Make-Do Mondays with AnnWe just got back from our weekend visit with the Belgian Wonder’s niece.Leftover Spaghetti Carbonara came back in a cooler for tomorrow’s lunch.And the Krispy Kremes are gone, though their calories live on in my midriff.We’ve unpacked and settled in for the night, so I don’t have much energy left for a totally new post. Instead, I’ll be pulling from an old photo to show you how we’re making do in the bathroom. These photos originally appeared in a Works For Me Wednesday post. They’re pretty self-explanatory, but I’ll tell you a few details.The bathroom storage under the sink offers a good amount of space, and we could probably do more to make the most of it. But a fun make-do addition to our bathroom storage came from Goodwill.We found a pretty, brand-new, Shabby-Chic brand, over-door shoe storage unit made of a cloth. The pockets are deep and durable, so there’s a lot of space for all our bathroom gadgets—curling iron, blow dryer, hair brushes, cleaning cloths, scarves, deodorant, and even some medications in the high pockets.We open the closet door while we’re getting ready, and everything is readily accessible. Close the door, and it’s hidden from view.How are you making do?

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Make-Do Mondays: A "Love"ly Jewelry Box Mon, 30 Mar 2009 03:02:17 +0000 see below for alternative button At Make-Do Mondays, we discuss how we’re simplifying, downsizing, repurposing, buying used, and using what we’ve got.It’s a carnival you can visit to celebrate creative problem-solving, contentment, patience and ingenuity. If you want to participate, you can share your own make-do solution in the comments or write up a Make-Do Mondays post […]

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At Make-Do Mondays, we discuss how we’re simplifying, downsizing, repurposing, buying used, and using what we’ve got.It’s a carnival you can visit to celebrate creative problem-solving, contentment, patience and ingenuity. If you want to participate, you can share your own make-do solution in the comments or write up a Make-Do Mondays post at your blog, then return here to link via Mr. Linky.Here’s a mini-tutorial on Mr. Linky:

Click on the icon and a separate page will pop up. Type in your blog name and paste in the url of your new Make-Do Mondays post. Click enter and it should be live. If it doesn’t work, just include the link in the comments.To visit people’s posts, click on Mr. Linky and when the page comes up, click on a name. You should be taken right to the page that they provided. If I have time, I come back and update the post by hand.

Make-Do Mondays Participants(updated as possible throughout the day)

  1. Sharinskishe (Scrap Paper Cup)
  2. Trish Southard (whittle wardrobe down to 100 items)
  3. Sunnydaytodaymama (Fabric High Chair Alternative)
  4. The Goat (Repurposing Recycling)
  5. It’s All About Love (Making Do)
  6. Simple Journeys (Paper Craft)

Make-Do Mondays with AnnI don’t have any fancy jewelry, so I don’t feel the need to have a fancy jewelry box. I’m making do with a repurposed box that held some decorative letters. The letters were on clearance at Target for practically nothing. (Shhh…don’t tell the Belgian Wonder, because I gave them to him as a gift.) lovelettersThe “l-o-v-e” letters came in a simple box made of very thin wood. I ended up using the box for my jewelry.boxWhen I bought it, one letter was in each of those sections. Underneath was nothing.I divvied up my rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets into those sections, and placed a watch, pins and other stuff in the generous space below.boxlidThe box fits in the dresser drawer.boxindrawerI might paint it someday to add a little fun, but it’s fine for now just to have my few items contained and organized.How are you making do?

If the main button is too big, try this one:


The post Make-Do Mondays: A "Love"ly Jewelry Box appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.

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Make-Do Mondays: Envelope-Notes Mon, 23 Mar 2009 03:51:50 +0000 At Make-Do Mondays, we discuss how we’re simplifying, downsizing, repurposing, buying used, and using what we’ve got.It’s a carnival you can visit to celebrate creative problem-solving, contentment, patience and ingenuity. If you want to participate, you can share your own make-do solution in the comments or write up a Make-Do Mondays post at your blog, then return […]

The post Make-Do Mondays: Envelope-Notes appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.

makedomondaysAt Make-Do Mondays, we discuss how we’re simplifying, downsizing, repurposing, buying used, and using what we’ve got.It’s a carnival you can visit to celebrate creative problem-solving, contentment, patience and ingenuity. If you want to participate, you can share your own make-do solution in the comments or write up a Make-Do Mondays post at your blog, then return here to link via Mr. Linky.Here’s a mini-tutorial on Mr. Linky:

Click on the icon and a separate page will pop up. Type in your blog name and paste in the url of your new Make-Do Mondays post. Click enter and it should be live. If it doesn’t work, just include the link in the comments.To visit people’s posts, click on Mr. Linky and when the page comes up, click on a name. You should be taken right to the page that they provided. If I have time, I come back and update the post by hand.

Make-Do Mondays Participants

  1. sunnydaytodaymama (storage in a small space)
  2. My Practically Perfect Life (Hanging Kitchen Tools on Wall)
  3. Mother Letter Project (A Villagers Story–How Cooperatives Make Do)
  4. Ship Full O’ Pirates (Make-Do Planters)
  5. Runningamuck (Quilts!)
  6. Like Mother, Like Daughter (Granola Bar Hack)

Make-Do Mondays with AnnI was in a planning meeting on Friday, and I’d forgotten my notebook. So I used an envelope to make notes.envelopebackSomeone offered me some notebook paper, but I said, “No thanks. I have the other side!”envelopefront1Melissa (Hi, Melissa!) leaned over and whispered, “I think you should snap a picture of this for Make-Do Mondays.”So I did.

The post Make-Do Mondays: Envelope-Notes appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.

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Make-Do Mondays: Imperfect Closet Mon, 16 Mar 2009 03:45:38 +0000 At Make-Do Mondays, we discuss how we’re simplifying, downsizing, repurposing, buying used, and using what we’ve got.It’s a carnival you can visit to celebrate creative problem-solving, contentment, patience and ingenuity. If you want to participate, you can share your own make-do solution in the comments or write up a Make-Do Mondays post at your blog, then return […]

The post Make-Do Mondays: Imperfect Closet appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.

makedomondaysAt Make-Do Mondays, we discuss how we’re simplifying, downsizing, repurposing, buying used, and using what we’ve got.It’s a carnival you can visit to celebrate creative problem-solving, contentment, patience and ingenuity. If you want to participate, you can share your own make-do solution in the comments or write up a Make-Do Mondays post at your blog, then return here to link via Mr. Linky.Here’s a mini-tutorial on Mr. Linky:

Click on the icon and a separate page will pop up. Type in your blog name and paste in the url of your new Make-Do Mondays post. Click enter and it should be live. If it doesn’t work, just include the link in the comments.To visit people’s posts, click on Mr. Linky and when the page comes up, click on a name. You should be taken right to the page that they provided. If I have time, I come back and update the post by hand.

Make-Do Mondays Participants

  1. SunnyDayTodayMama (art easel in a small place)
  2. My Practically Perfect Life (where to put kitchen towel)
  3. Like Mother, Like Daughter (make-do with cardboard boxes in your freezer)
  4. The Goat (zippered bags)
  5. mominapocket (seasonal table)
  6. Trish Southard (thoughts on poo)

Make-Do Mondays with AnnThose closets in Real Simple magazine with the wooden hangers and color-coded clothing?I like those closets.Sometimes I think if only I could put all my clothes on wooden hangers, life would be so much better. Nicole Balch at Making It Lovely has a closet like that with cute dresses hanging straight down from rows of wooden hangers (to be clear: this is, sigh, not my closet):Dreamy Closet (not mine)My Closet

Credit: Nicole Balch, Making It Lovely

Isn’t that beautiful?And in this Real Simple closet makeover, they may have opted for less expensive plastic hangers in place of wooden, but everything is uniform and pleasing to my eye (unfortunately, this isn’t my closet, either).Another Dreamy Closet (also not mine)

White rack

Somehow I could never quite bring myself to invest in all those wooden hangers to replace my mish-mash collection. Over time, I’ve accumulated mostly white plastic hangers, but even those aren’t exactly the same. Some have notches in them for strappy dresses and tops, while others are smooth. Some have an extra strip of plastic in one spot that others leave off, and some hang a little higher or lower than others.And then there are several wrapped wire hangers my grandmother used to make.This lady wrote instructions for how to braid material around a metal coat hanger, creating a slide-resistent surface for a slick blouse or jacket.I have some hangers like those. If I had my dream closet, I probably would have banished Grandma’s braided treasures to a box in the basement.But I’m making do. After years of hanger hankering, I still use those braided hangers.Here—see for yourself (this, sigh, is my closet):Make-Do Closet (mine)hangersI could have straightened everything up for a more attractive photo shoot, but that wouldn’t be honest. This is my closet, where there’s no uniformity at all. See the braided ones here and there among the white?And in my closet, when I reframe the way I think about hangers, I find that I appreciate the way nostalgia offers practicality: Mingled with white plastic is an occasional memory of my grandma, and thanks to her handiwork, several jackets and blouses stay on their hangers instead of sliding to the closet floor.Make-Do Closet (mine)hangers2But you know, I’m glad. When I let go of that craving for clean lines, I see something more beautiful. Some summers I would spend a week with Grandma, and we’d sit in her living room watching The Lawrence Welk Show while she taught me to knit, crochet, do needlepoint, sew, and press flowers to make cards. And though I don’t remember a precise day or moment when she pulled out the long strips of stretchy fabric and some old wire hangers from the dry cleaners, I’m sure I braided at least one of these when I visited.We’re making do, and it’s good.How about you?

The post Make-Do Mondays: Imperfect Closet appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.

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Make-Do Mondays: Used Game System Mon, 09 Mar 2009 04:27:32 +0000 At Make-Do Mondays, we discuss how we’re simplifying, downsizing, repurposing, buying used, and using what we’ve got.It’s a carnival you can visit to celebrate creative problem-solving, contentment, patience and ingenuity. If you want to participate, you can share your own make-do solution in the comments or write up a Make-Do Mondays post at your blog, then return […]

The post Make-Do Mondays: Used Game System appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.

makedomondaysAt Make-Do Mondays, we discuss how we’re simplifying, downsizing, repurposing, buying used, and using what we’ve got.It’s a carnival you can visit to celebrate creative problem-solving, contentment, patience and ingenuity. If you want to participate, you can share your own make-do solution in the comments or write up a Make-Do Mondays post at your blog, then return here to link via Mr. Linky.Here’s a mini-tutorial on Mr. Linky:

Click on the icon and a separate page will pop up. Type in your blog name and paste in the url of your new Make-Do Mondays post. Click enter and it should be live. If it doesn’t work, just include the link in the comments.To visit people’s posts, click on Mr. Linky and when the page comes up, click on a name. You should be taken right to the page that they provided. If I have time, I come back and update the post by hand.

Make-Do Mondays Participants

  1. Like Mother, Like Daughter (Winter-Sown Seeds)
  2. The Goat (bread crumbs, golf tees, airplanes)
  3. My Practically Perfect Life (Whisk-sifting)
  4. Queen of the Castle Recipes (10 Tips for Buying Seafood)
  5. 50’s Housewife (Make-Do Photographer)
  6. mominapocket (using what we have)

Make-Do Mondays with AnnFor many reasons that I won’t get into here, we resisted investing in a gaming system that hooks into the TV. The kids had resigned themselves to using their handheld Nintendo DS gadgets that they bought with their own money. They enjoy playing Wii at friends’ houses and assumed they’d never own anything like it.As we neared Christmas last year, one of the kids and I slipped into Goodwill. She found a used Nintendo Gamecube (a game system that’s no longer being produced new). It was a little high for a used price, but that week it was half price.We bought it.So while it seemed that everybody in the entire country was buying a Wii for Christmas, we wrapped up a used Nintendo Gamecube for the kids to open together:gamecubehandsThey had no idea what it was.And when they opened it, they still didn’t know what it was.Then the sister who was in the know said, “It’s a Gamecube.”The response:  gamecubeshockCan you see the mouth dropped open in shock?They kept saying, “We have a Gamecube? The Kroekers? Us? I can’t believe it! Us! A Gamecube!” The gift came with restrictions–they have to ask permission before playing, for example, and both chores and school work must be completed or the answer will be no. It’s been fun to plug in on some of these dreary winter days.And because we make-do in so many ways, they were thrilled to have a used Gamecube for Christmas.How are you making-do?Updated: Visit Ship Full O’ Pirates and watch the SNL skit she’s posted. It fits with the Make-Do Mondays theme.Tune in tomorrow to see the final logophile lists–there’s still time to submit a word via the comments!

The post Make-Do Mondays: Used Game System appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.

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Make-Do Mondays: Pictorial Review of my Birthday with a Make-Do Camera Mon, 02 Mar 2009 04:52:18 +0000 It’s Monday. Time to talk about how we’re making-do.That’s what this carnival is all about. Here, we discuss all the creative and humble (or even humbling) ways we’re making-do.How are we duct-taping our furniture together or tolerating a lumpy old couch for another few months (or years)? What kinds of products are we squeezing every drop out of before […]

The post Make-Do Mondays: Pictorial Review of my Birthday with a Make-Do Camera appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.

makedomondaysIt’s Monday. Time to talk about how we’re making-do.That’s what this carnival is all about. Here, we discuss all the creative and humble (or even humbling) ways we’re making-do.How are we duct-taping our furniture together or tolerating a lumpy old couch for another few months (or years)? What kinds of products are we squeezing every drop out of before forking out a few dollars to replace?It’s a place to celebrate creative problem-solving, contentment, patience and ingenuity. It’s a carnival where we encourage each other not to rush out and get the next new cool thing if something we have on hand can get the job done.Write up your Make-Do Mondays post at your blog, then link to it with Mr. Linky.Here’s a mini-tutorial on Mr. Linky:

Click on the icon and a separate page will pop up. Type in your blog name and paste in the url of your new Make-Do Mondays post. Click enter and it should be live. If it doesn’t work, just include the link in the comments.To visit people’s posts, click on Mr. Linky and when the page comes up, click on a name. You should be taken right to the page that they provided.

Make-Do Mondays Participants

  1. Ship Full O’ Pirates (spinach smoothie w/spinach substitute)
  2. My Practically Perfect Life (pin cushions on individual spools)
  3. Like Mother, Like Daughter (make-do bedside carafes and bedroom tour)
  4. The Goat (take it from the stash)

Make-Do Mondays with AnnI’d like to offer a pictorial review of my birthday here on Make-Do Mondays using my faithful old digital camera.My kids’ cameras, which are newer and less expensive, yield better close-ups than mine. I’m quite tempted to save up for some really nice equipment, but I’m not running out to replace anything. No, sirree. I am making do.And now, my make-do camera and I will walk you through my birthday.I awoke to birthday decor in the eating area of the kitchen:bdaydecorI was treated to a breakfast of eggs, toast and tea made by two of my kids. I forgot to photograph the meal, but let me assure you it was delicious.Then we headed over to church:bdaychurchI apologize for the next photo, because it reveals that I didn’t have to put up with a make-do birthday dinner–The family took me out to eat at a very nice restaurant:bdaymacaroniMy daughter snapped a photo of the complimentary birthday dessert they brought me (note the leftovers bagged up in the background for a make-do lunch).bdaydessertA trained opera singer serenaded me with “Happy Birthday” in Italian. Then the waiter presented me with a single gladiola:bdaygladAfter dinner, the kids asked, “What do you want to do for your birthday, Mom?””How about we go shopping?” I proposed. My favorite make-do store was just around the corner:bdaygoodwillThere, I found some placemats, coasters, and napkins for the kitchen table, and some shoes. I’ve been looking for something in leather with a nice shape and low heel. This pair fit the bill (they look brown in the make-do lighting, but they are actually black):bdayshoeI bought them because they fit and looked good, but I thought maybe that was a swanky brand. Maybe. When I got home, I looked up the brand, “Amalfi,” on the computer and realized it was a quality shoe. Mine look a little like this one, though not in patent leather. On sale, Zappos is selling the similar shoe for $149. I got mine at Goodwill for about $3.99.Back at home, the kids made some cards for me:bdaycardAnd then, some gifts (not from Goodwill). Earrings from one daughter:bdayearringsGloves from another who tries to look for ways I can stay warm in winter:bdayglovesAnd from everyone, an appliance I’m told will shock and amaze me with its usefulness. We’re having leftover pasta for lunch on Monday, but guess what we’re having for dinner?bdayriceJust for fun, I thought I’d show you what I found at my parents’ house on Saturday. I was a huge fan of someone in the ’80s:bdaystingI showed it to one of my daughters. She laughed and said, “That’s back when he had hair!”Yes. Well. I suppose even Sting with all his fame and fortune has no choice but to make-do with less hair.Personally, I think he’s making-do quite nicely.

The post Make-Do Mondays: Pictorial Review of my Birthday with a Make-Do Camera appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.

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Make-Do Mondays: A Deck of Cards Mon, 23 Feb 2009 05:26:41 +0000 Make-Do Mondays is a carnival dedicated to sharing the creative, frugal or even humble ways we’re making-do. To participate in Make-Do Mondays, simply join in the discussion via the comments or Mr. Linky. The Mr. Linky for isn’t as robust as the version that Typepad and Blogger can use, but I’m making do in all kinds of […]

The post Make-Do Mondays: A Deck of Cards appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.

makedomondaysMake-Do Mondays is a carnival dedicated to sharing the creative, frugal or even humble ways we’re making-do.

To participate in Make-Do Mondays, simply join in the discussion via the comments or Mr. Linky.

The Mr. Linky for isn’t as robust as the version that Typepad and Blogger can use, but I’m making do in all kinds of ways. Even with blog technology.

Here’s how Mr. Linky works:Click on the Mr. Linky icon, and a separate page will pop up where you type in your name and paste in the url of your new Make-Do Mondays post. Click enter and it should be live. If it doesn’t work, just include the link in the comments.To visit people’s posts, click on Mr. Linky and when the page comes up, click on a name. You should be taken right to the page that they provided.Make-Do Mondays Participants

  1. citystreams (easy child-proof solution–for a while)
  2. Ship Full O’ Pirates (T-shirt sewing-machine cover & curtains)
  3. My Daily Round (homemade mayonnaise)
  4. Judith Coughlin (getting motivated to exercise)
  5. The Goat (buy once–use twice)

Make-Do Mondays with AnnToday’s make-do post is simple:Cards.cardsThe kids have started playing several card games (and taking photos of their favorite decks).They like a game called Spoons, another they call Nerts (making-do using normal cards, of course, not the commercial version), and even simple games like Go Fish and War.Most of these games expand to accommodate multiple players. A deck can be tossed into a purse or backpack without weighing anybody down. No cords or batteries are needed. Some games teach strategy and math skills. And quite often some interaction is possible during play.Pretty nice benefits from a low-tech, low-cost, make-do activity.We all played a card game together at my parents’ house the other day. Three generations gathered around a table laughing, strategizing and talking–it provided make-do fun for everyone.I think we were building a memory.And all we needed was a deck of cards.

The post Make-Do Mondays: A Deck of Cards appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.

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Make-Do Mondays: Make-Do Heritage Mon, 16 Feb 2009 04:43:11 +0000  Make-Do Mondays is a carnival dedicated to sharing the creative, frugal or even humble ways we’re making-do. To participate in Make-Do Mondays, simply explain some way that you’re making do. Join in the discussion via the comments or Mr. Linky. The Mr. Linky for isn’t as slick as what Typepad and Blogger can use, but I […]

The post Make-Do Mondays: Make-Do Heritage appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.

 makedomondaysMake-Do Mondays is a carnival dedicated to sharing the creative, frugal or even humble ways we’re making-do.

To participate in Make-Do Mondays, simply explain some way that you’re making do. Join in the discussion via the comments or Mr. Linky.

The Mr. Linky for isn’t as slick as what Typepad and Blogger can use, but I figure I should make-do with that, as well.

Here’s how Mr. Linky works:Click on the Mr. Linky icon, and a separate page will pop up where you type in your name and paste in the url of your new Make-Do Mondays post. Click enter and it should be live. If it doesn’t work, just include the link in the comments.To visit people’s posts, click on Mr. Linky and when the page comes up, click on a name. You should be taken right to the page that they provided.

Make-Do Mondays Participants

  1. Like Mother, Like Daughter (hiding ugly tile)
  2. Leslie at Rag-Rugging Reverie (how rag rugs satisfy her frugal nature)

Make-Do Mondays with AnnThe Belgian Wonder and I both come from a long line of make-doers.  The Belgian Wonder grew up as a missionary kid. He and his siblings learned to make-do in creative ways. For example, the Belgian Wonder wanted a radio in his bedroom, but had no money to buy one from the store. Instead of moping around and feeling sorry for himself, he asked for permission to salvage the radio, speakers, and battery from a junked car that the family kept for spare parts. He rigged it all up in a hand-me-down desk in his bedroom–voila!  Make-do music!I, too, grew up in a family that practiced frugality and thrift. Both of my parents grew up in lean times–my dad was a Depression-era baby, and my mom was a young girl during WWII. They remember simplicity modeled by their parents and passed along that value to me. We shopped at auctions and garage sales for clothes, furniture, antiques and miscellaneous stuff.So I guess you could say its our heritage. We’re comfortable washing out plastic storage bags to reuse in our sack lunches and shopping at used book sales while wearing socks with holes in the toes.But for one day, we’re breaking out of our make-do mindset.Today is our anniversary, and we are pulling out the good socks to wear when we eat out. At a restaurant.It’s a rare exception to our make-do mentality.What about you?

The post Make-Do Mondays: Make-Do Heritage appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.

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Make-Do Mondays: Remember Video Cassettes? Mon, 09 Feb 2009 14:10:33 +0000 Make-Do Mondays is a carnival dedicated to sharing the creative, frugal or even humble ways we’re making-do.And please forgive me for running late today.To participate, simply explain some way that you’re making do. Join in the discussion via the comments or Mr. Linky. The Mr. Linky for is pretty lame, but I’m using it anyway. Here’s […]

The post Make-Do Mondays: Remember Video Cassettes? appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.

makedomondaysMake-Do Mondays is a carnival dedicated to sharing the creative, frugal or even humble ways we’re making-do.And please forgive me for running late today.To participate, simply explain some way that you’re making do. Join in the discussion via the comments or Mr. Linky. The Mr. Linky for is pretty lame, but I’m using it anyway. Here’s how it works:Click on the Mr. Linky icon, and a separate page will pop up where you type in your name and paste in the url of your new Make-Do Mondays post. Click enter and it should be live. If it doesn’t work, just include the link in the comments.To visit people’s posts, click on Mr. Linky and when the page comes up, click on a name. You should be taken right to the page that they provided.Make-Do Monday Participants

  1. Like Mother, Like Daughter (Tutorial for making new linings for gloves)
  2. A Glass of Blessings (Make-Do Puppet Theater)

Make-Do Mondays with the KroekersRemember the video cassette recorder?videorecorderVisitors to our home marvel that we still use a VCR in an age of TiVo and DVRs.Don’t get me wrong — They sound like an efficient way to manage commercials and control what you want to watch (and when). We’d love to have one of the new recording devices.But we don’t.What’s more, we only have bare minimum cable (basically just our local channels and major networks) because our antennae reception was so terrible (I confess, however, that we do have a high-speed Internet access; I’m not making do with dial-up). We have very few channels — which means we watch very few shows.So we record the few that interest us on the major networks and don’t really worry about what we’re missing.On occasion, we’ve asked my parents to record a special show that we can’t get.Otherwise, we’re just making do.How about you?

The post Make-Do Mondays: Remember Video Cassettes? appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.

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Make-Do Mondays: Building Self-Confidence with a Roll of Duct Tape Mon, 05 Jan 2009 06:00:55 +0000 Last week, I launched Make-Do Mondays, a carnival dedicated to sharing ways we’re making-do.Right away, Jenni pointed out that this carnival can do more than entertain or inform–learning to make-do can also empower: I love this idea! I don’t think that people realize how empowering it is to come up with creative ways to use things lying […]

The post Make-Do Mondays: Building Self-Confidence with a Roll of Duct Tape appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.


Last week, I launched Make-Do Mondays, a carnival dedicated to sharing ways we’re making-do.Right away, Jenni pointed out that this carnival can do more than entertain or inform–learning to make-do can also empower:

I love this idea! I don’t think that people realize how empowering it is to come up with creative ways to use things lying around, or just to summon up the willpower to use it. In effect, they’re throwing away a bit of self-confidence/reliance when they toss out something that doesn’t work perfectly.

Join the Make-Do Mondays carnival and build up your self-confidence! Learn new ways of self-reliance!Here’s this week’s Make-Do Mondays contribution from the Kroeker house:When The Belgian Wonder and I first married, we bought a used wooden dining room table from a friend. The clever engineering of this Scandinavian-style teak table allows two extensions to slide underneath for storage, but they can be pulled out quickly and easily, doubling the table surface area in seconds.Here’s a quick snapshot of the table fully extended:longtableWe use a tablecloth most of the time, because the table doesn’t really fit, style wise. But we make-do a lot when it comes to “style.” But that isn’t even the main make-do thing I was planning to show you. Here it is:ducttapetableOne day, the wood split along the edge. I thought we’d have to throw it away, because the legs were very wobbly, and that leaf-extension engineering was compromised.Then, as you can see, we duct-taped it tightly together, and it held. We could still use it, so we positioned the table so that the duct-taped side wouldn’t be immediately noticed if the table were without a cloth. We talked about getting a new table from time to time. Sometimes I’d flip through a Sunday insert or catalog. I might slip into an antique mall and look around. But we never did buy a new table. Five years after the fix and nineteen years after we bought it used, we’re still eating at the duct-taped teak table. Making-do.How about you?Share how you’re resisting the disposable, quick-fix, easy-solution, just-go-buy-a-replacement mindset.Document in some way how you’re making-do: write, photograph, or make and upload a YouTube video, and then link to your post via Mr. Linky (below). If you don’t have a blog, tell us about it in the comments!

 Be sure to check out Mega Memory Month in January–the first Monday Progress report is also posted today at this link.

The post Make-Do Mondays: Building Self-Confidence with a Roll of Duct Tape appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.

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