July 26, 2009 - Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach https://annkroeker.com/2009/07/26/ Mon, 27 Jul 2009 04:03:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://annkroeker.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/cropped-45796F09-46F4-43E5-969F-D43D17A85C2B-32x32.png July 26, 2009 - Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach https://annkroeker.com/2009/07/26/ 32 32 Make-Do Mondays: Slow Setting for a Slow-Down Book https://annkroeker.com/2009/07/26/make-do-mondays-slow-setting-for-a-slow-down-book/ https://annkroeker.com/2009/07/26/make-do-mondays-slow-setting-for-a-slow-down-book/#comments Mon, 27 Jul 2009 04:03:11 +0000 http://annkroeker.wordpress.com/?p=4561 see below for alternative button At Make-Do Mondays, we discuss how we’re simplifying, downsizing, repurposing, buying used, and using what we’ve got.It’s a carnival celebrating creative problem-solving, contentment, patience and ingenuity. To participate, share your own make-do solution in the comments or write up a Make-Do Mondays post at your blog, then return here to link via Mr. […]

The post Make-Do Mondays: Slow Setting for a Slow-Down Book appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.


see below for alternative button

At Make-Do Mondays, we discuss how we’re simplifying, downsizing, repurposing, buying used, and using what we’ve got.It’s a carnival celebrating creative problem-solving, contentment, patience and ingenuity. To participate, share your own make-do solution in the comments or write up a Make-Do Mondays post at your blog, then return here to link via Mr. Linky. Enjoy others’ ideas by clicking on Mr. Linky and then clicking on people’s names.Here’s a mini-tutorial on Mr. Linky:

Click on the icon and a separate page will pop up. Type in your blog name and paste in the url of your new Make-Do Mondays post. Click enter and it should be live. If it doesn’t work, just include the link in the comments.

To visit people’s posts or check that yours worked, click on Mr. Linky and when the page comes up, click on a name. You should be taken right to the page provided.

Make-Do Mondays Participants

  1. Gravity of Motion (My Time)
  2. My Practically Perfect Life (Impromptu Cake Plans)
  3. Sunnydaytodaymama (More toy storage in a small space)
  4. Feels Like Home (kid sushi)
  5. Rancho Ruperto (Squash Plea)

Make-Do Mondays with Ann

This is a big week. Saturday marks the official release date of my book, Not So Fast: Slow-Down Solutions for Frenzied Families.

August 1, 2009.

It’s a date I’ve looked forward to for two years.

So where will I be on this momentous occasion?

Finishing up family camp.

We’re at a simple, low-tech, minimally programmed (no speakers, no big events, no concerts) family camp that is the epitome of relaxation. We are in the slowest of slow zones here.

This includes Internet access. Slow, slow, slow.

What the camp provides are things like canoes, kayaks, and small sailboats. We can hike through the woods. We can sit on Adirondack chairs in front of the lodge and stare at Lake Huron. We can read, pray, write, think, reflect, chat, or play cards or Scrabble. There’s a beach for sand castles and a game room with ping-pong, carpet ball, Foosball and pool.

The kitchen staff makes our meals. I’m turning into Pavlov’s dog: when the bell rings, I start to salivate and walk briskly to the dining hall.

This is a place where families know how to slow down. They are, in fact, encouraged to slow down in a space and environment where unplugging and slowing down is possible.

And this is where I am for the release of my book.

With the beauty of technology, slow as it is, I can be with you, too, wherever you are on the world.

And I want to say thanks for sharing this journey with me.

Thank you for listening, reading, thinking, and wondering with me, as I ponder, research, pose questions, seek solutions and commit to my own slower lifestyle.

Today I want to share with you several endorsements for the book. What an honor to have positive words from Lee Strobel, Steve and Misty Arterburn (Misty wrote the foreword, too!), and Mary DeMuth:


Jill Savage, Phyllis Tickle, Mary Farrar, Holly Miller, Susan Alexander Yates


And Michelle Cox.


Also, I’m delighted to organize a giveaway:  you could be the winner of two copies of Not So Fast. I’ll explain how I’ll be giving them away later this week.

Keep an eye open to join the fun!

As I make-do with incredibly slow Internet access, I wonder…

How do you make do?

Don’t miss a word:It’s easy to subscribe to annkroeker.com updates via email or RSS feed.

Mega Memory Month July 2009 is almost over:Check in tomorrow for Progress Reports.


The post Make-Do Mondays: Slow Setting for a Slow-Down Book appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.

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