July 16, 2009 - Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach https://annkroeker.com/2009/07/16/ Fri, 17 Jul 2009 03:36:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://annkroeker.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/cropped-45796F09-46F4-43E5-969F-D43D17A85C2B-32x32.png July 16, 2009 - Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach https://annkroeker.com/2009/07/16/ 32 32 Food on Fridays: Is Less More? https://annkroeker.com/2009/07/16/food-on-fridays-is-less-more/ https://annkroeker.com/2009/07/16/food-on-fridays-is-less-more/#comments Fri, 17 Jul 2009 03:36:45 +0000 http://annkroeker.wordpress.com/?p=4498 (alternative button below) Here at the Food on Fridays carnival, any post remotely related to food is welcome. Recipes are enjoyed, but you can just tell us how you take your tea or devote a post to pondering those rhesus monkeys on a restricted diet.In other words, the Food on Fridays parameters are not at all narrow. I think […]

The post Food on Fridays: Is Less More? appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.


(alternative button below)

Here at the Food on Fridays carnival, any post remotely related to food is welcome. Recipes are enjoyed, but you can just tell us how you take your tea or devote a post to pondering those rhesus monkeys on a restricted diet.In other words, the Food on Fridays parameters are not at all narrow. I think of it as a virtual pitch-in where everyone brings something to share; even if the content of one item is unrelated to the rest, we sample it all anyway and have a great time.When your Food on Fridays contribution is ready, just grab the broccoli button (the big one above or the new smaller option at the bottom) to paste at the top of your post and join us through Mr. Linky.Here’s a Mr. Linky tutorial:

Write up a post, publish, then return here and click on Mr. Linky below. A screen will pop up where you can type in your blog name and paste in the url to your own Food on Fridays post (give us the exact link to your Food on Fridays page, not just the link to your blog).You can also visit other people’s posts by clicking on Mr. Linky and then clicking participants’ names–you should be taken straight to their posts.

Food on Fridays Participants

  1. Frugal Antics of a Harried Homemaker (Pizza and Cinnamon Rolls)
  2. At Home ‘n About (Sweet Potato Pie)
  3. Cooking during Stolen Moments (Chicken and Black Bean Filling)
  4. The Finer Things in Life (Kid-Friendly Snacks)
  5. Halala Mama (Cajun Okra Rice)
  6. Glimpse of Sonshine (Moms’ Zucchini Bread)
  7. Inside the White Picket Fence (Universal Berry Muffins)
  8. Feels Like Home (Indonesian Peanut Chicken)
  9. Simply Sugar and Gluten-Free (Heirloom Mint Ice Cream)
  10. Hoosier Homemade (Candy Land Cake)
  11. My Practically Perfect Life (Photos, Bacon Grease)
  12. Cook with Sara (Summer Cucumber Salad)
  13. The Bloom Girls (Ice Cream … for Adults)
  14. Daily Essentials and Deals (Cool and Easy Pie)
  15. Passionate Homemaking … Becoming P31 (Cool and Refreshing Bean Salad)
  16. This Pilgrimage (Scrumptious Oatmeal)
  17. Heart ‘n’ Soul Cooking (Cherry Tomato and Cucumber Salad)
  18. Random Tips (Sugarless Zucchini Chocolate Squares)
  19. Prudent and Practical (Easy Banana Bread and Banana Fertilizer)
  20. Newborn Mom (couscous)
  21. Katie’s Nesting Spot (Fajita & Club Salads)
  22. Runningamuck (Satisfying the Baking Need)

Food on Fridays with AnnI mentioned those dieting monkeys in the introduction—rather, one is being forced to diet, the other is free to eat whatever he wants. Let’s take a look at those two fellows Canto and Owen again. Click HERE to see the New York Times article with photos.This BBC article shows some additional close-ups and side shots so you can compare the appearance of the calorie-restricted primate against the other.What do you think? To be clear, I don’t mean to launch a discussion about the ethics of performing research on animals, but what do you think about the conclusions being drawn from this study and the impact of those conclusions on humans. Is this a way for humans to live … and live longer? By restricting caloric intake?Roger Cohen poses the question, What’s life for? After an anthropomorphic discussion about the monkeys’ happiness, Cohen (and I’m simplifying the article here) thinks that calorie-restriction may allow us to live longer, but not necessarily free us to live well. We need some laughter to live a rich, relational life, and he argued that the monkey with a restricted diet appeared strained and miserable. The one that could eat whatever he wanted seemed to Cohen a bit wry and laid back, with twinkling eyes.Plenty of people weighed-in on Cohen’s essay. Over 200 comments last time I looked.Is less (calories) more (years on earth)? Would you change your diet if you knew for a fact that a restricted diet would extend your lifespan? Or do you already follow this philosophy?If so, does it enhance your experience or keep you from really living a full, rich life?Here’s what the Mayo Clinic has to say about a calorie-restriction diet for anti-aging.For those who want to track calories for calorie restriction or whatever reason, a friend of mine recommends Livestrong.com’s free and well-organized program, The Daily Plate. I’m not using it, so you’ll just have to take my friend’s word for it—or maybe someone can provide a personal testimony in the comments.Why generate a discussion about life expectancy?Well, Thursday was the Belgian Wonder’s birthday, so we’re thinking more than usual about health and aging.Happy birthday to the Belgian Wonder (who, in my opinion, is aging quite nicely)!

More Friday Carnivals

Is Food on Fridays not fun enough for you?  Not in the mood for food? Check out these other great carnivals!

(a slightly smaller Food on Fridays button)


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The post Food on Fridays: Is Less More? appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.

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A First Look https://annkroeker.com/2009/07/16/a-first-look/ https://annkroeker.com/2009/07/16/a-first-look/#comments Thu, 16 Jul 2009 22:22:22 +0000 http://annkroeker.wordpress.com/?p=4496 David C. Cook Publishing made sure I received a copy of Not So Fast to have, hold, hug, smell, flip through, gape at, and blog about. The official release date is just a few days away: August 1st. Ask your local bookstore to order it for you! Don’t miss a word:Subscribe to annkroeker.com updates via […]

The post A First Look appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.


David C. Cook Publishing made sure I received a copy of Not So Fast to have, hold, hug, smell, flip through, gape at, and blog about.

The official release date is just a few days away: August 1st.

Ask your local bookstore to order it for you!

Don’t miss a word:Subscribe to annkroeker.com updates via email or RSS feed.

Join Mega Memory Month for the month of July!


The post A First Look appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.

https://annkroeker.com/2009/07/16/a-first-look/feed/ 6
Travel Back to the Battle of Franklin https://annkroeker.com/2009/07/16/travel-back-to-the-battle-of-franklin/ https://annkroeker.com/2009/07/16/travel-back-to-the-battle-of-franklin/#respond Thu, 16 Jul 2009 15:05:40 +0000 http://annkroeker.wordpress.com/?p=4492 I reconnected with an old friend recently, historian and curator of the Carter House in Franklin, TN, David Fraley.Last year, Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family met David while visiting the battleground and museum and was deeply impressed by the experience of walking the historic grounds with such a knowledgeable historian and expert […]

The post Travel Back to the Battle of Franklin appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.

I reconnected with an old friend recently, historian and curator of the Carter House in Franklin, TN, David Fraley.Last year, Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family met David while visiting the battleground and museum and was deeply impressed by the experience of walking the historic grounds with such a knowledgeable historian and expert storyteller.Dr. Dobson returned with an audio crew to record an interview with David, capturing the powerful and poignant description of the tragic Battle of Franklin through the articulate, gentle voice of my friend. It’s a powerful story of the American Civil War, so be warned: you’ll hear some gruesome, horrific details.To learn more about this event in our nation’s history, visit the Focus on the Family Web site and listen to David:Part 1 (36:18 mins)Part 2 (47:18 mins)

The post Travel Back to the Battle of Franklin appeared first on Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.

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