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Wishing someone “Happy birthday” can entail so much more than just saying those specific words. Someone’s birthday is a wonderful time to show them how much they mean to you—whether they are a friend or a loved one. Getting creative with the ways in which you can celebrate someone—from crafting a personalized birthday message to baking them a cake or getting them a thoughtful gift—goes a long way in expressing just how much you care for and appreciate that person.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Personalizing Your Birthday Greeting

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  1. 1
    Say “Happy birthday” in a different way to make it special. The traditional greeting can sometimes feel overplayed, so try something different for a more unique greeting. Amidst the flood of “Happy birthday” greetings, let yours be one that stands out. Some phrases you can try out are:
    • Have a wonderful birthday!
    • Hope your special day is amazing!
    • Hope you have an enjoyable birthday! You deserve it.
    • I’m so glad to know you and hope you have an amazing day.
    • Enjoy your next trip around the sun![1]
  2. 2
    Craft a unique greeting based on the person’s age and experiences. Take into consideration any milestones that have happened in the past year and incorporate those into your birthday greeting. Acknowledge what the person has accomplished to show that you are invested in their life.[2]
    • For example, you could say something like, “This past year you succeeded at starting your own business, and I look forward to seeing all that you accomplish in the year to come. Happy birthday!”
    • Examples of milestones include learning how to drive, graduating from high school or a higher education program, buying a home, growing a family, getting a new job, getting married, moving, starting a new business, and meeting a personal goal, like running a marathon or reading 50 books in a year.
  3. 3
    Write out a personal message for a more specific birthday wish. Get a birthday card or stationery and sit down for 10 minutes and write a short letter to your friend or family member. Think about the ways in which they have positively impacted your life, what makes them special, and what you hope will be true for them in the coming year.[3]
    • Taking the time to handwrite a message is a gift in and of itself. Most communication happens quickly via the Internet or the phone, so a handwritten note will be something the birthday person can hold onto for a long time.
  4. 4
    Share what you love about your significant other on their birthday. What a great time to share your appreciation of your loved one! Think about what it is that makes you happy to be in a committed relationship with them and what you have enjoyed learning about them in the past year. It can also be fun to reference inside jokes or ideas about what you look forward to celebrating with them in the coming year.
    • Try saying something like, “Just when I think it can’t get any better, you surprise me with the amazing way you love me. Happy birthday.” Or “Wishing my love a birthday that is just as beautiful and wonderful as you are!”
  5. 5
    Express gratitude if you're wishing your parent a happy birthday. Take time to either call or see your parent in person on their birthday to give them a warm birthday wish. Express your gratitude for their role in your life and be sincere in what you say. If you have a strained relationship with a parent, it’s okay—try to remember that you have them and that their birthday is a special opportunity to say “Thank you” or simply, “Happy birthday.”[4]
    • You can say something like, “Words just don’t come close to saying how thankful I am that you’re my parent. Happy birthday!” Or try something like, “I know who I am today is because of who you have been in my life, thank you—and I hope you have the happiest birthday!”
    • If you have a parent who has passed, their birthday can be a painful reminder of that loss. You can take time to remember them, visit a spot that was special to them, or look at old photographs to honor their memory.
  6. 6
    Celebrate what makes your best friend unique on their birthday. From sentimental to funny or weird or casual, find something to say to your best friend that epitomizes the relationship you have with them. Make it personal, and be honest and sincere about your gratitude for them to help make them feel special on their birthday.[5]
    • “I hope your birthday is as sweet as the cake and that the year to follow is filled with as much joy as you bring your friends!” and “Be who you are, because who you are is amazing—happy birthday to my best friend!” are both great examples of something you can say that is short and sweet.[6]
  7. 7
    Express birthday wishes to a coworker with a personalized greeting. When cards get passed around at work for everyone to sign, take a minute to write out something a little longer than just “Happy birthday.” Depending on how well you know the person, you could write something like “All the best in the year to come” or something more personal like “Looking forward to working on more projects together in the next year.”[7]
    • Make sure to sign your name beneath your greeting to make it more personal.
  8. 8
    Use your friend’s native language to wish them happy birthday. Or, if there is a destination your friend or family member has always wanted to visit, use that language. Find audio clips online of the phrase you want to say to practice the pronunciation. Most cultures also have special ways in which they wish one another happy birthday—research what those customs are to make your greeting even more unique.[8]
    • For example, saying “Happy birthday” in Spanish, Italian, or Japanese is a fun and unique way to tailor your greeting.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Creating a Memorable Experience

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  1. 1
    Buy or make a card for their birthday. Search for a card that reminds you of the birthday person, or get creative and design a card either by hand or on the computer. Write a personal message inside the card, rather than simply signing it.[9]
    • If you don’t plan on seeing the person on or near their birthday, mail the card a few days before the date so they will have it in time.
    • Sending a card is a great way to show you care because it takes time to purchase or make a card.
  2. 2
    Send a thoughtful email or text message. Don’t just write “Happy birthday” and leave it at that—copy out a few lines and make it personal. You can also include photo attachments of you and that person, remembering shared experiences you’ve had together.[10]
    • Because texting can be more impersonal than a letter or in-person exchange, be intentional with your message and put some thought into what you’re saying.
  3. 3
    Arrange for flowers or a gift basket to be delivered. Schedule this delivery a few days in advance by contacting a florist or boutique that is local to the birthday person. Casually check with your friend that they will be either at home or at work that day to ensure the delivery makes it to them.[11]
    • You can find out where the person will be by asking something simple, like “Do you have any plans for the week of your birthday? I know I usually take my birthday off and spend it at home.” This will start a conversation where they can tell you if they plan on doing anything out of the ordinary.
    • Make sure to include a note with the flowers/gift basket that includes your name. The website or person taking your order will ask you what you would like the note to say.
    • You could even arrange to have their favorite take-out meal delivered to them for a special birthday treat.
  4. 4
    Bake their favorite dessert for them. Whether it’s a cake, cookies, muffins, lemon bars, or chocolate covered pretzels, spend a few hours making their favorite sweet. You can either deliver these treats in person on the day of the birthday, or mail them overnight for a special treat if you live far away.[12]
    • If you are mailing a dessert, like cookies, put them into an airtight container or bag to keep them fresh.
    • Include a card along with the dessert and put a note inside that says something like “I know you love carrot cake and wanted you to have something special on your birthday. I hope you enjoy!”
  5. 5
    Take the person out for a one-on-one meal. Time is often the most valuable resource we have, so spending some of yours on connecting with your friend or family member will make them feel loved and cared for. You could take them out for coffee or treat them to dinner somewhere you think they would like. Make reservations if you need to.[13]
    • Plan on paying for the meal for your friend if you do take them out. A surprise meal that they end up having to pay for themselves isn’t a great surprise.
  6. 6
    Buy or make a thoughtful gift. Pay attention throughout the year to things the person mentions they are interested in to get ideas. Gifts don’t have to be expensive to be meaningful. Think about their personality and interests, and let that guide your decision making.[14]
    • Some simple ideas are to make them a playlist of their favorite songs from that year or buy them a guide book for a trip they are planning.
    • You could even purchase a gift certificate for a massage or a spa visit for a relaxing experience for your friend. Bonus points if you make it something the 2 of you can do together for some quality time!
  7. Advertisement

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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I say happy birthday to my father that died?
    Community Answer
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    Throw a party and remember him with pictures and stories. Make it a celebration of his life.
  • Question
    How do I write a birthday message for my one year daughter?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    At 1 year, your daughter will not even understand the concept of a birthday, nor will she understand anything you say or write. So doing something that she can actually understand is very tough. Try just writing a card and sometime in the future you can show it to her and she can read it then.
  • Question
    How do I wish my boyfriend a happy birthday?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Perhaps you could make him a card and tell him how happy you are that he was born and how much he means to you.
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  • If you do forget someone’s birthday, that is okay! Just apologize for missing it and express your wishes like you would have the day of.
  • Add birthdays to your phone calendar with a yearly reminder so you don’t forget important days.
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This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. This article has been viewed 313,782 times.
3 votes - 73%
Co-authors: 52
Updated: September 17, 2023
Views: 313,782
Categories: Birthdays
Article SummaryX

To say happy birthday to someone, send them a nice text that says something like "Hope your special day is amazing!" or "Happy birthday, enjoy your next trip around the sun!" If you're going to see them in person on their birthday, get them a card and write a thoughtful message in it, like "Be who you are, because who you are is amazing. Happy birthday!" You can also get them a nice gift, like flowers, their favorite dessert, or a playlist of their favorite songs. To see examples of how to say happy birthday to your parents, significant other, or best friend, keep reading!

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