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If you’re confused about how to score a game of badminton, no worries! Just remember that you get a point each time you win a rally, and you need to score 21 points to win. In addition, swap service courts each time you score. The scoring system is the same whether you are playing a singles or doubles game. By following a few basic rules, like announcing how many points each player has before every serve, you can easily keep track of the score.

Things You Should Know

  • Both teams start at 0 points and you call out the score of both teams before each serve.
  • Your team wins 1 point each time you win a rally, which is when the shuttlecock touches the ground inside of your opponents’ boundaries.
  • You also score a point if your opponent commits a foul by knocking the shuttlecock out of bounds, hitting the net with their body or racket, or hitting the shuttlecock multiple times.
Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Serving the Shuttlecock and Keeping Track of Points

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  1. 1
    Say the score before each serve, starting with your total points. When playing badminton, both teams start with 0 points apiece. Before you serve the shuttlecock, announce the score of the game. To phrase the score, call out your total number of points, followed by your opponent's total number of points. For example, when starting the game, say "zero to zero."[1]
    • Your opponent will say their own score first, followed by yours, when it is their turn to serve.
  2. 2
    Serve from the right-hand service court if you have an even number of points. Sometimes the right side of the court is called the “even service court” because of this rule. If your total points are 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10, for instance, move to the right side of the court to serve the shuttlecock.[2]
  3. 3
    Go to the left service court to serve when your score is an odd number. It's important to keep track of your points so you know which service court to serve from. If you have an odd-numbered score, such as 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9, stand on the left side of the court when you serve.[3]
  4. 4
    Get 1 point each time you win a rally. A rally is when you and your opponent hit the shuttlecock back and forth across the net until someone misses and it lands on the ground. After you serve the shuttlecock, your opponent attempts to hit it back over the net to you. If they miss and the shuttlecock lands in the court, you win the rally and score 1 point.[4]
  5. 5
    Move to the other service court after you win a point. For both singles and doubles games, you must swap service courts when you win a rally. If you have a partner, trade places. [5]
    • For instance, say you started with 3 points and served from the left service court. If you win the rally, you now have 4 points and will serve from the right service court.
  6. 6
    Serve the shuttlecock after you win a rally. After the first serve is performed, the next server is determined by whoever wins the rally. If you served the first round and won the first rally, continue serving until the other player wins a turn.[6]
    • If you're playing doubles and your partner won the rally, they get to serve.
    • If your opponent won the rally, they get to serve.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Earning Points and Winning the Game

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  1. 1
    Earn a point if your opponent performs a badminton foul. Any time your opponent makes a foul, you score 1 point and get to serve. Fouls include serving the shuttlecock outside of the court, contacting the net with your body or racket, extending your racket past the net, or hitting the shuttlecock multiple times.[7]
  2. 2
    Play badminton until 1 player or team reaches 21 points. Continue serving and receiving the shuttlecock to win points. As the game progresses, you must reach 21 points in order to win.[8]
  3. 3
    Have at least a 2-point lead on your opponent to win the game. Once you get to 21 points, make a note of your opponent’s score. If they have 19 points or less, you win the game. If your opponent has 20 points, continue playing until you have 2 points more than them.[9]
    • For example, 22–20 is a winning score, as is 25–23.
  4. 4
    Stop the game when 1 player reaches 30 points. The badminton game is capped at 30 points total so the game doesn't drag on for too long. The player with 30 points wins, regardless if they have a 2-point lead.[10]
  5. 5
    Defeat your opponent 2-3 times to win a badminton match. For a fun challenge, keep playing against your opponent to see who wins the best 2 out of 3 games. This is referred to as a “match” in badminton. [11]
    • If you win the first 2 games, a match only lasts 2 games. However, if you win 1 and your opponent wins 1, a match consists of 3 games.
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  • If you are having a tough time keeping track of the score while learning how to play, use a scorecard. Write your name and your opponent's name at the top, and make a tally each time a player gets a point. While this is not required, it ensures you count points correctly.
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Updated: October 25, 2022
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Categories: Racket Sports
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