What Smile Dater Am I?

Take this quiz to find out!

The Smiley Dater Quiz can tell you exactly what you’re like in love. Your strengths, your vices, and what you most desire—you’ll know it all after 12 simple questions.

Ready to find your Smile Dating identity? Click “Start Quiz” now.

A line of differently colored pencil toppers shaped like faces depict different emotions.

Questions Overview

1. If you’re choosing a book at a bookstore, you decide by:
  1. The cover. I have a soft spot for anything easy on the eyes.
  2. Reading the first few pages. I like to know what I’m getting into before I commit…
  3. Choosing a book at random. Why waste time waiting, wondering, and weighing my options?
  4. Scanning the back cover summary. I like light reads, so I have to make sure the plot isn’t too sad.
2. Your friend is in tears. You:
  1. Jump into action with flowers, treats, Kleenex, and heartfelt compliments. You’re here to ease the pain.
  2. Send a nice text but avoid seeing them in person. Tears make you, er, uncomfortable…
  3. Step one: find who hurt them. Step two: make them pay.
  4. Gently talk them through their emotions—it’s so important to process your feelings.
3. Uh oh, you’re falling in love again. How do you feel?
  1. Spellbound. Like I've been hit with a zillion bolts of lightning. Suddenly, everything is magic.
  2. Nervous. I don’t like relying on others for joy—I’m usually very independent.
  3. Over the moon excited. When I start to fall, I just want more and more of that thrill.
  4. Filled with the desire to love. I’m always wondering how they are, how I can help them…
4. Pick a painting for your wall:
  1. A gorgeous, pastel-colored bridge over a glassy river. Roses are everywhere; there’s a couple kissing on the arch…
  2. A simple, pretty design that matches the room’s color scheme.
  3. A bold, eye-catching scene, like a mermaid in the ocean or a knight posing on a hill.
  4. Something quirky that’s guaranteed to make my friends laugh. Maybe a silly quote?
5. You have a crush. How will you make them yours?
  1. I’ll flirt my heart out. But I sort of flirt with everyone, so I’ll have to find a way to show them they’re special…
  2. I’ll plan extravagant dates and surprise them with gifts…anything to make them mine.
  3. I’ll “subtly” let it slip that I’m into them, then wait for them to make the move. I love to be pursued!
  4. I’ll just be my sweet and friendly self! Honestly, people tend to like me as I am…
6. Choose a dream date:
  1. Moonlit sailboat ride around the harbor, champagne, slow dancing, rose petals…
  2. If it’s with someone I love, every date is a dream date.
  3. Party hopping with my crush on my arm. I want to show them off and lock eyes from across a crowded room…
  4. We sit in a dim room, listening to music, answering the 36 questions that lead to love.
7. What does it mean to love?
  1. To accept and forgive.
  2. To light up around your lover.
  3. To be true partners, every day.
  4. To share your deepest thoughts, feelings, and secrets.
8. Pick a description that fits you best:
  1. I’m aloof, independent, and hard to pin down—but I have a generous heart.
  2. I’m emotionally mature, perceptive, and empathetic. In love, I tend to move slowly.
  3. I use my quick wit to easily charm anyone. But honestly, I’m happy on my own, too…
  4. I’m a huge-hearted romantic and have so much to give in love. But sometimes, I can be a little clingy…
9. You just saw an amazing concert. What are you thinking?
  1. Music is magical. I felt moved during the show, and now my soul feels well-fed.
  2. I’m so impressed by the players’ talents and technical skills. So amazing what people are capable of!
  3. I’m grateful. How lucky am I to get to enjoy a night out with my closest friends?
  4. That band was amazing! I can’t wait to dive into some thorough research on them…
10. Heartbreak sucks. How do you handle it?
  1. After diving into boxes of Kleenex, tubs of ice cream, and books of poetry, I end up stronger than ever.
  2. Like anyone, I’ll be super sad. But I don’t stay down for long—there are so many exciting people to connect with!
  3. I rarely get my heart broken because I’m careful about who I choose.
  4. I’ll seem like I’m fine on the surface but really…I’m not.
11. What’s your weakness in love?
  1. I dive in headfirst, and sometimes I wish I thought things through more.
  2. I sometimes let people walk all over me.
  3. I love the chase but sometimes lose interest when a crush likes me back.
  4. I sometimes feel like I’m not in touch with my emotions, which makes things hard…
12. Someone’s upset with you. How are you handling it?
  1. I’m freaking out and apologizing profusely. I hate making people upset.
  2. I’m ignoring them. I’m right, and I refuse to say sorry.
  3. I try to handle conflict maturely. I might gently ask them to talk the issue through with me.
  4. I’ll probably just ask what I can do to fix it, then move on. Simple!

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How to Have a Healthy, Satisfying Romantic Life

First, a quick dive into the "Smile Dating Test": You've probably seen TikTok users posting their results on the app, showing off their personal dating norms, habits, and desires. The Smile Dating Test blew up on social media because it offers people an insightful deep-dive into their truest, romantic inner self. So in short: if you're interested in what makes your heart tick, it's a great quiz to take!

Once you know your Smile Dating Test result, if you're interested in how anyone can become a healthier, happier romantic partner, check out these tips below:

Take time to figure out what you want. So many people dive into relationships before they’ve taken time to really understand their own desires. But to find the relationship of your dreams (and to be a great partner when you do), it’s important to discover this for yourself. Consider what you care about most in a partner: passion, ambition, shared hobbies, etc. Then, determine what you won’t compromise on—your non-negotiables. For example, you might realize that you need someone who sees marriage and kids in their future.

  • When you determine this for yourself, two amazing things follow. For one, you’ll spend less time in relationships that you don’t want. And second, you’ll be extra grateful for the connections you make that align with your romantic goals.

Be supportive. Partners should be each others’ loudest cheerleaders! If your partner has a showcase, show up. If your partner gets a promotion, celebrate. This fosters affection, closeness, and trust; plus, it expresses to your partner that when they’re happy, you’re happy. That alone is a great foundation for an amazing relationship!

Build trust. Partners are just that—partners. For you two to take on life together, you need to have trust. Your partner should know that you have their back, and vice versa. Honesty is usually a big part of this. The more truthful you are with each other, the stronger your mutual trust.

Communicate. Communication is like a relationship’s superpower! When inevitable fights, incompatibilities, and curveballs come your way, communication can help you take them in stride. Always remember that it’s important to be open and honest with each other because that’s how you’ll continue to stay on the same page.

Be reliable. In healthy relationships, partners can rely on each other in good times as well as bad. For many people, this level of loyalty is what gives serious relationships their meaning. Knowing that you won’t abandon each other when the chips are down—that can create deep feelings of love and trust. So when your partner needs you, be there.

Fight fair. All couples fight. It’s inevitable (and totally normal!). What matters, though, is how you fight. Name-calling and manipulation should never be a part of your relationship conflicts. Instead of focusing on winning an argument and getting your way, try to remember that you’re on the same team. Even when you’re mad at your partner, your goal is probably still to resolve the conflict in a way that makes you stronger.

Say sorry and be ready to forgive. We all make mistakes, and your partner probably will, too. When you’ve messed up, remember that a sincere apology is extremely powerful. And when your partner messes up, take a beat to decide whether or not it’s something you can forgive. If you can, focus on accepting their mistake, communicating your feelings, and moving forward together.

Show appreciation. Did you know that sharing appreciation is a hallmark of the most healthy relationships? Compliments and thank you’s are super common in thriving romances. Take every opportunity to let your partner know that you think they’re amazing. This will help create a loving atmosphere in your relationship.

Keep it balanced. Even when you’re deeply in love with your partner, that shouldn’t be your whole life. A relationship is about two individuals coming together as partners—not two people becoming one! Keep your circle of friends, continue investing in your hobbies, and work towards the goals you had when you first met. Trust us, your relationship will be better for it!

Be you! It can be tempting to put on a mask early in your relationship, especially if you really want the other person to return your affection. But the truth is, you deserve someone who loves you exactly as you are. And trust us, that person is out there.