Which South Park Character Am I Most Like?

Take this quiz to find out!

They're foul. They're offensive. They cross every line known to humankind in leaps and bounds. But that doesn't stop us from watching—and, at times, even relating to—this crude cast of characters whenever they take the screen.

It goes without saying that no one actually is represented by the crazily satirical and off-color cast of this show—this quiz is entirely for fun! So, what are you waiting for? Hit "Start Quiz" to discover which South Park character you're most like.

A set of toy figurines of the main South Park characters sit in a row outside.

Questions Overview

1. How do you react when things don’t go your way?
  1. I just curse a lot.
  2. I take a few deep breaths.
  3. I find something or someone to blame.
  4. I look for new solutions.
2. Aliens are invading! What’s your first move?
  1. Build a base of operations. Duh.
  2. Befriend them! Strangers are just friends you haven’t met yet.
  3. Appeal to their sense of reason. Can’t they invade a different planet?
  4. Sacrifice myself for my friends. Those alien lasers aren’t as painful as they look, right?
3. The school bully is off stealing lunch money again. What do you do?
  1. Just watch it happen—it’s none of my business!
  2. Demand that they give it back.
  3. Get a teacher to help settle things.
  4. Do something unpredictable, like giving the bully a wedgie.
4. What superlative would you be most likely to earn in the school yearbook?
  1. Most likely to become president.
  2. Most unique.
  3. Most likely to win the jackpot but lose the ticket.
  4. Biggest prankster.
5. Roast yourself! What’s your biggest struggle?
  1. I’m not great at communicating.
  2. I’m not very patient.
  3. I have a big ego.
  4. I feel like I’m too ordinary.
6. What hidden talent would you like to have?:
  1. Being a black belt in karate.
  2. Having a really good memory.
  3. Being an expert at reading body language.
  4. Being able to juggle.
7. What’s your first instinct when you’re in danger?
  1. Argue my way out of it.
  2. Fight my way out of it.
  3. Run away from it.
  4. Stand still and hope that it gets better.
8. If you could turn into an animal for a day, what would it be?
  1. Dolphin
  2. Owl
  3. Duck-billed platypus
  4. Basset hound
9. Choose the coolest superpower:
  1. Superintelligence
  2. Invincibility
  3. Super-strength
  4. Mind control
10. How would your friends describe you?
  1. Passionate
  2. A leader
  3. Enigmatic
  4. Warm
11. Why isn’t your math homework done?
  1. I was busy helping a friend.
  2. I didn’t feel like doing it.
  3. I can’t tell you, or I’d have to kill you.
  4. I meant to do it, but I forgot.
12. Choose a classic South Park movie song:
  1. “It’s Easy, M’Kay”
  2. “What Would Brian Boitano Do?”
  3. “Blame Canada”
  4. “Up There”

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Fun Facts about South Park

Originally hitting the TV waves in 1997, South Park has undeniably impacted the world of comedy as we know it. Known for its divisive humor, South Park has poked fun at just about everything (and everyone) under the sun. Here are a few fast facts you may not know about one of the longest-running comedies on television:

  • Stan and Kyle are inspired by the show’s creators. While Stan and Kyle are very much their own independent characters, aspects of their personalities are based on co-creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone, respectively.
  • It takes 6 days to fully produce a South Park episode. Parker and Stone are incredibly transparent about South Park’s production timeline—the entire process, from planning and recording to animating and releasing, is finished in less than a week.
  • The South Park team has only ever missed one deadline. Even more impressive than their rapid turnaround time is the production team’s ability to churn out episodes on a near-weekly basis. A power outage in 2013 created the first and only delay in a South Park episode release.
  • The showrunners occasionally stick aliens in the episodes as easter eggs. The next time you watch an episode of South Park, take a closer look at some of the background characters—you might just see a space alien mingling with all the other denizens of South Park.
  • Kenny has gotten killed over more than 120 times. Spoiler alert! Well, not really, considering a huge portion of these deaths occurred in the late 90s and early 2000s, when the show was airing its early seasons. The showrunners had a macabre tradition of axing Kenny (literally!) in every episode for the first 5 seasons.
  • South Park is the most profane TV show out there. Sure, shows like The Wire and The Sopranos boasted more profanities on average per episode, but South Park undoubtedly holds the cursing crown with over 9,200 profanities to date.
  • The very first episode was produced with stop-motion animation. If you decide to sit down and watch South Park from the very beginning, you’ll probably notice that Season 1, Episode 1 looks a little different from the rest—that’s because it is! Using stop-motion animation, Parker and Stone physically animated that episode with construction paper; since then, the rest of the show was animated digitally.