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A few sentences about myself:

Hello All!
I am user MyPinkPhone; which is a samsung E900 (and may be technically red - I'm not sure).
I love Wikihow. I have How-To of the day on my google homepage.
I still find some things a bit tricky on wikihow.
I like art. I do. Really. In fact I love it.
I live in Enlgand, quite near London, but far enough it takes a long train journey.


A little bit more about me:

Current Wikimood

I am happy nearly all the time. I try to be anyway.

I do love to have fun, here or anywhere!

Shhh, don't tell mum!

Better to be safe than sorry!

I love 'em both though!

I love this program

Working towards grade 5 (got a long way to go though).

This author doesn't smoke.

Never have, never will.

This author does not enjoy doing homework.

But some things can't be helped:(

This author prefers to wear pajamas.

Every day if i could.


All girls Grammar. But at least i have good mates there.

This author speaks English as a native language.

I live in England too (see a few boxes below).

This author speaks at a basic level of French.

I wish I could speak it better.

Este autor no entiende español o lo entiende con mucha dificultad. (This author does not understand Spanish or understands it with much difficulty.)

Mi llamo MyPinkPhone y odio los mariscos pero me gusta las gambas. That is all true!

I speak english fluently too (see a few boxes above).

This author thinks that if your grammar is incorrect, you're in need of help.

Yup, it's too true!

This author is addicted to ellipses and have been known to use them indiscriminately...

That won't be a problem will it?

This author uses the Metric System of measurements.

But tbh, I even find that a bit tricky. And conversions? Oh my!

But not by many years.

This author prefers the Windows operating system.

But I don't really mind that much.

Girl Power!

This author identifies as gay.

Nothing more to say about that.

But I don't really go to church.

I hate rain. I DETEST it. Please - no more rain:(

I particularly like the tab function.

Who doesn't?

Article I've edited
This are articles that I think I've sigificantly edited, although some more than others.

[Write a Quatrain Poem]

[Write a book in 2nd Grade]

[Be like J.D from scrubs]

[Convince your parents you are not anorexic]

[Write a biography]

[Care for a fresh tattoo]

[Make a screen print]

[Create a Xanga site]

[Make a poster of the Solar System]

[Draw an owl] (Step by step photos)

[Get a really cool girlfriend if you have asperger's syndrome]

[Use Audacity]

[Answer a source question in History]

[Understand basic latin]

[Do your homework when you've forgotton your textbook]

[Buy Milk]

[Plan an essay using a mind map]

[Draw a dragon]

[Draw a human head] (Step-by Step images)

[Create a comic strip]

[Invert colours in MS paint]

[Be more green as a teenager]

[Draw a Panda]

[Draw a Police Car]

[Draw an Alien]

[Make a Poster of Your Favorite Band]

[Draw Pac-Man]

[Make Pictures out of Text]

[Draw a Lizard in MS Paint]

[Draw Piglet from Winnie the Pooh]

[Draw Tigger from Winnie the Pooh]

[Walk Like a Penguin]

[Draw Shoes]

[Draw a Salamander With Flames]

[Draw a Dandelion]

[Create a Travel House for Your Pet Rock]

[Draw a Cartoon Rabbit]

[Draw a Rose]

[Draw a Dolphin]

Multi-licensed with GNU Free Document License
I agree to multi-license my text contributions, unless otherwise stated, under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike license version 2.5 and the GFDL. Please be aware that other contributors might not do the same, so if you want to use my contributions under the GFDL terms, please check the Wikimedia guide to the CC dual-license (and keep in mind that Wikimedia is GFDL by default, so that creates a "reverse" perspective from the wikiHow point of view).

Mypinkphone has made 1,229 contributions
This user's page has been viewed 1,510 times